Hello! I'm Caio Almeida, senior full-stack software engineer with 20 years of experience, primarily working with Ruby On Rails and JavaScript for the last 15 years, and React.JS since 2016. Over the years, I've been working for companies in Brazil, Canada, England - and mostly in the United States for the last 13 years, most of the time in the social tech space. I'm a Certified Ruby Programmer, I hold bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science from the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil, and I'm currently a student in the PhD program at the same university. In 2018, I was one of the five software developers selected to join Data4Change, a data visualization workshop on human rights in the Middle East that took place in Beirut, Lebanon. I'm currently ranked as the Top 1 Ruby developer in Brazil and Top 10 in the world, according to CodersRank. I also created and maintain some open source projects and collaborate as a developer on other open source projects. Other than that, I have presented my work at national and international conferences, both technical (particularly about Ruby) and academic. Technical conferences include RubyConf (Portugal), Rubyfuza (South Africa), WrocLove.rb (Poland), Mexico on Rails (Mexico), RubyConf Brazil, JSDay, International Free Software Forum, among others. Academic conferences include SIBGRAPI (Peru), PROPOR (Portugal), WebMedia, W3C Web Conference, International Free Software Workshop, among others.
Want to get in touch? Send an email to c@ios.ba or visit https://ca.ios.ba :)