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My toy game/graphics engine project, I do not intend to use it for commercial projects and/or make it production-ready, my main goal with this project is to have to a good testbed for my engine and graphics programming experiments and learn a lot from building it.

Project Goals

  • Keep my code simple and readable, avoid unnecessary abstractions
  • Use good and small libraries to boost development, avoid huge and intrusive libraries.
  • Implement from scratch things that I want to learn.
  • Try to write a devblog on my website.

Current Features

  • Simple Direct3D 12 Multithreaded Renderer
  • Simple Phong Lighting (Point and ambient lights only)
  • OBJ meshes and MTL materials loading, using TinyObjLoader
  • Entity Component System architecture, based on EntityX
  • Integrated profiler, using EasyProfiler
  • Dear ImGui integration
  • CMake build system

Planned Features

  • Event-driven input system
  • Realtime shadows
  • Frustrum Culling
  • Physics API
  • Scripting API

How to build it

  • Use the provided CMakeLists file to build it with Visual Studio 2019

