See full description at
0.1.2 - add webscoket implementations
> pip install python-bitbay
The constructor receive public and private key using to authentication.
from python_bitbay import bitbay
bitbay_client = bitbay.Bitbay(api_key='32345f3f-1b1d-1234-a943-a10b1bddfa1b1', api_secret='4d539fe0-e3b0-4e4e-7c86-70b36aa93d4f')
# Get ticker
# Get orderbook from LSK-PLN market
# Get last 10 transactions on BTC-USD market from last 3 minutes
bitbay_client.get_trades('BTC-USD', limit=10, fromTime=1531407461)
# Get 30 minutes candles from last 4 hours
bitbay_client.get_kline(symbol='BTC-PLN', second=1800, fromTime=1544158620, toTime=1544173061)
# Buy 1 Bitcoin for 4000$ on BTC-USD market
bitbay_client.create_order('BTC-USD', amount=1, rate=4000, offerType='buy', mode='limit') # limit
bitbay_client.create_order('BTC-USD', amount=1, price=100, offerType='buy', mode='market') # market
# Let's get active offers from every market
# Remove an offer
bitbay_client.cancel_order('BTC-USD', '82ca35da-6eeb-4f30-91bb-165fdcf4d8b2', 'buy', 4000)
# Get our trading fees on BTC-PLN market (default)
# Change default wallets to trade on BTC-USD
bitbay_client.change_cnfig('BTC-USD', first='455b3f25-8d3a-409f-9fe6-8cc40f1ce533', second='455b3f25-8d3a-509f-9fe6-8cc40f1ce542')
# Get our address to deposit cryptocurrency on specified wallet
# Generate new cryptocurrency address on specified wallet
bitbay_client.generate_deposit_address(wallet_id='455b3f25-8d3a-409f-9fe6-8cc40f1ce533', currency='PLN')
# Get all historical addresses from specified wallet
# Let's send some Bitcoins
bitbay_client.withdraw(wallet_id='455b3f25-8d3a-409f-9fe6-8cc40f1ce533', address='3Qck3sNnAe5YVLe9WDzMp3aK2cgsU7F5Wv', amount=0.5, comment='test')
# Get address to deposit USD
# Time for withdraw our USD
bitbay_client.fiat_withdraw(wallet_id='455b3f25-8d3a-409f-9fe6-8cc40f1ce655', symbol='USD', { bank_account_number: 'PL82154012872216000073790002', address: '111A/109, 02-707 Warszawa', name: 'Igoria Trade S.A.', title: 'VVVe94d7e43536fVVV', swift: 'EBOSPLPWXXX' }
# Get transactions history for buy transactions from BTC-PLN where rate is from 23000 to 25000
bitbay_client.get_trade_transactions(markets=['BTC-PLN'], rateFrom=23000, rateTo=25000, userAction='buy', nextPageCursor='start')
# Get 20 last historical operations on XMR wallets and sort descending by time
bitbay_client.get_operation_transactions(balanceCurrencies=["XMR"], limit="20", sort=[{"order":"DESC","by":"time"}], nextPageCursor="start")
# Get balance with list of all wallets
# Create a new wallet for Bitcoin
bitbay_client.create_wallet(currency='BTC', type='crypto', name='trading')
# Change the wallet name
bitbay_client.change_wallet_name(wallet_id='455b3f25-8d3a-409f-9fe6-8cc40f1ce533', name='arbitration)
# Send some cryptocurrency over our wallets
bitbay_client.internal_transfer(source_id='455b3f25-8d3a-409f-9fe6-8cc40f1ce533', destination_id='455b3f25-8d3a-409f-9fe6-8cc40f1ce534', currency='BTC', funds=0.4)
If this library helped you out, feel free to donate.
ETH: 0xAbBeE2d8355310Bf61531DD94C086636194A4a54
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
python3 -m twine upload --repository pypi dist/*