Bridge for videlalvaro/php-amqplib to expose classes compatible with PECL::AMQP
This library is a polyfill for the PECL::AMQP Extension, using php-amqplib. The PECL extension is much faster than the php implemention, from what I understand, this is due to PHP's stream_socket_client()
. This library enables you to develop/deploy on systems regardless of whether the extension is available. If the native extension is available, it will transparently be used instead of this bridge.
As a bonus, this library will provide type hints/code completion to your IDE (for the PECL extension) if it supports it.
"require": {
"calcinai/php-amqplib-bridge": "0.1.*"
All classes, functions and exceptions should be equivelent to the native ones. Patches are welcome for any inconsistencies.
Unfortunately the documentation for the PECL extension is quite poor, but with a reasonable understanding of AMQP, you should be able to feel your way around. There are some usage examples on the (Polish?) man pages.
Thanks to @pdezwart for the method stubs, and the contributors to php-amqplib, which is largely what this library is based on.