Coding exercise as per requested by Latitude Financial
which says
Write an efficient function that takes an array of stock prices and returns the best profit I could have made from 1 purchase and 1 sale of 1 Latitude Financial stock yesterday.
Tested using java 8.
Usage: This should build the package and run the tests.
$ mvn package
- Takes in an array on ints
- A array of size 1 is not considered valid input
- Share price of 0 is technically not possible.
- Design has Time Complexity : O(n), Auxiliary Space : O(1)
- I made the decision to keep the range used to get the bestResult, which I think if it is used, will be a question often asked for anyways.
- Algorithm : As we traverse the array, we keep the max difference ie. bestResult. If there is a new low share price encountered, we mark it as the current low, using this new current low to calculate subsequent results, keeping the results if it betters the bestResult value.
@see Jadane's Algorithm. @see's_algorithm
- As a convenience feature, make a constructor take in a Collections, which converts it to an int array.
- have the results be a set of ranges which satisfies the max difference. Currently, it only keeps the first one.
- Least complex solution would be iterating through each share price and comparing it to every share price in the array. However, this would have a time complexity of O(N2).