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User options

Caleb Lareau edited this page Aug 10, 2020 · 3 revisions

User options for running mgatk

Caleb Lareau


Quickly see all available modes, flags, and parameters using the following command:

mgatk --help

That should reveal a screen that looks like this:

Usage: mgatk [OPTIONS] [bcall|call|tenx|check|support]

  mgatk: a mitochondrial genome analysis toolkit.

  MODE = ['bcall', 'call', 'tenx', 'check', 'support']

  See for more details.

  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  -i, --input TEXT                Input; either directory of singular .bam
                                  file; see documentation. REQUIRED.

  -o, --output TEXT               Output directory for analysis required for
                                  `call` and `bcall`. Default = mgatk_out

  -n, --name TEXT                 Prefix for project name. Default = mgatk
  -g, --mito-genome TEXT          mitochondrial genome configuration. Choose
                                  hg19, hg38, mm10, (etc.) or a custom .fasta
                                  file; see documentation. Default = rCRS.

  -c, --ncores TEXT               Number of cores to run the main job in

  --cluster TEXT                  Message to send to Snakemake to execute jobs
                                  on cluster interface; see documentation.

  --jobs TEXT                     Max number of jobs to be running
                                  concurrently on the cluster interface.

  -bt, --barcode-tag TEXT         Read tag (generally two letters) to separate
                                  single cells; valid and required only in
                                  `bcall` mode.

  -b, --barcodes TEXT             File path to barcodes that will be
                                  extracted; useful only in `bcall` mode. If
                                  none supplied, mgatk will learn abundant
                                  barcodes from the bam file (threshold
                                  defined by the -mb tag).

  -mb, --min-barcode-reads INTEGER
                                  Minimum number of mitochondrial reads for a
                                  barcode to be genotyped; useful only in
                                  `bcall` mode; will not overwrite the
                                  `--barcodes` logic. Default = 1000.

  --NHmax INTEGER                 Maximum number of read alignments allowed as
                                  governed by the NH flag. Default = 1.

  --NMmax INTEGER                 Maximum number of paired mismatches allowed
                                  represented by the NM/nM tags. Default = 4.

  -kd, --keep-duplicates          Retained dupliate (presumably PCR) reads
  -ub, --umi-barcode TEXT         Read tag (generally two letters) to specify
                                  the UMI tag when removing duplicates for

  -jm, --max-javamem TEXT         Maximum memory for java for running
                                  duplicate removal per core. Default = 8000m.

  -pp, --proper-pairs             Require reads to be properly paired.
  -q, --base-qual INTEGER         Minimum base quality for inclusion in the
                                  genotype count. Default = 0.

  -aq, --alignment-quality INTEGER
                                  Minimum alignment quality to include read in
                                  genotype. Default = 0.

  -eb, --emit-base-qualities      Output mean base quality per alt allele as
                                  part of the final output.

  -ns, --nsamples INTEGER         The number of samples / cells to be
                                  processed per iteration; Default = 7000.
                                  Supply 0 to try all.

  -k, --keep-samples TEXT         Comma separated list of sample names to
                                  keep; ALL (special string) by default.
                                  Sample refers to basename of .bam file

  -x, --ignore-samples TEXT       Comma separated list of sample names to
                                  ignore; NONE (special string) by default.
                                  Sample refers to basename of .bam file

  -z, --keep-temp-files           Add this flag to keep all intermediate

  -qc, --keep-qc-bams             Add this flag to keep the quality-controlled
                                  bams after processing.

  -sr, --skip-R                   Generate plain-text only output. Otherwise,
                                  this generates a .rds obejct that can be
                                  immediately read into R for downstream

  -so, --snake-stdout             Write snakemake log to sdout rather than a
                                  file. May be necessary for certain HPC

  --help                          Show this message and exit.