A command line utility for interacting with the Terraform Cloud API. Uses go-tfe under the hood.
In order to make API requests to Terraform Cloud, the client needs an API token. A token may be created at various scopes, e.g. user, team and organization. Organization tokens are more limited in scope than user or team tokens, but are sufficient for most of the activities enabled by tfc-cli
Go to the API Tokens page for the organization in which you will be setting up workspaces:
https://app.terraform.io/app/<YOUR ORG NAME>/settings/authentication-tokens
Do not regenerate a new token because this will invalidate the existing token and break any processes that are using it. Only do this if you're sure that's okay. Coordinate with your organization to obtain the token for use in your processes.
Save this API token in a secure manner, such as your password manager. If using the token in an automated process, ensure that it is stored in a secure manner, such as GitHub encrypted secrets.
Most of the commands require -token
and -org
parameters to specify the API token and Terraform Cloud organization, respectively. As a convenience, the tool will fallback on the TFC_TOKEN
environment variables. Due to the sensitive nature of the API token, you may wish to keep them out of your shell setup files. A better option would be direnv.
To keep the examples below brief, it is assumed that these environment variables are set.
This is a good way to run the command locally if you have Docker and/or don't wish to install Go.
docker run -e TFC_ORG -e TFC_TOKEN --pull always --rm frostedcarbon/tfc-cli:latest workspaces variables create -workspace foo -key bar -value baz -category terraform
Make sure you have Go installed using your method of choice. goenv is one way.
Install the
module locally:go install github.com/cbsinteractive/tfc-cli@latest
Note the -<variable>=<bool>
syntax for boolean settings. This is required.
Create a workspace:
tfc-cli workspaces create -workspace foo
Create a workspace set to use a specific version of Terraform:
tfc-cli workspaces create -workspace foo -terraformVersion 1.2.3
Update workspace description:
tfc-cli workspaces set-description -workspace foo -description "new description"
Update workspace auto-apply setting:
tfc-cli workspaces set-auto-apply -workspace foo -auto-apply=true
Update workspace working directory:
tfc-cli workspaces set-working-directory -workspace foo -working-directory "terraform"
Create a workspace tag:
tfc-cli workspaces tags create -workspace foo -tag "dev"
Delete a workspace tag:
tfc-cli workspaces tags delete -workspace foo -tag "dev"
Set workspace VCS configuration:
tfc-cli workspaces set-vcs-branch -workspace foo -identifier some-org/some-repo -branch some-branch -oauth-token-id some-oauth-token-id
OAuth token IDs can be found at: https://app.terraform.io/app/[YOUR ORG]/settings/version-control
Delete a workspace:
tfc-cli workspaces delete -workspace foo
Create a workspace variable:
tfc-cli workspaces variables create -workspace foo -key bar -value baz -category terraform
Update a workspace variable value:
tfc-cli workspaces variables update value -workspace foo -key bar -value quux
Make a workspace variable sensitive:
tfc-cli workspaces variables update sensitive -workspace foo -key bar -sensitive=true
Delete a workspace variable:
tfc-cli workspaces variables delete -workspace foo -key bar
Get current state output variable value:
tfc-cli stateversions current getoutput -workspace foo -name bar
Format the code:
make fmt
Run checks:
make staticcheck
Run unit tests:
make test
After pull request approval and merging changes to main
, make a semantic version tag and push it to GitHub. goreleaser will handle the rest.