Some Organism's Nucleotide Information Container
git clone
sonic --ref hg19.fasta --dups hg19.dups.bed --reps hg19_repeats.out --gaps --make-sonic ucsc_hg19.sonic --info "UCSC_hg19"
Duplications and gaps are expected in BED format. Repeats are in RepeatMasker .out format.
Some genomes (for example, human) may have different naming standards for chromosomes. The UCSC version of human reference version hg19 is equivalent to GRC Build 37 (except the mitochondria), but the naming schemes are different. UCSC hg19 names chromosomes as chr1, chr2, etc.; where GRC Build 37 uses 1, 2, etc. Fortunately this irregularity is solved in hg38/GRCh38. Similarly, UCSC version of C. elegans chromosomes are named as chrI, chrII, and Wormbase version is named as I, II, etc. Same goes for mouse genome, and many others.
When building a SONIC file, or using it with the API we provide, make sure that chromosome naming matches across all your files: reference FASTA, RepeatMasker .out, gaps, and duplications. Also make sure that your BAM file matches if you are using SONIC within TARDIS or VALOR, or any other tool.
To create a .sonic file, you need to prepare the files for reference genome annotations as follows:
Using UCSC sequence and annotations download page;
1 - For reference genome, navigate to the related genome's "Full data set" page and download the chromFa FASTA files (i.e., is for mouse genome GRCm38/mm10)
Extract the files into a folder and merge them into a single .fasta file:
cat * >ref.fasta
Sonic also requires the index file in the same folder:
samtools faidx ref.fasta
2 - For repeat annotations, navigate to the related genome's "Full data set" page and download the RepeatMasker .out files (i.e., is for mouse genome GRCm38/mm10)
Extract the files into a folder and merge them into a single .out file:
cat * >reps.out
Alternatively, if the files are inside directories for each chromosome, then use:
cat / >reps.out
3 - For gap annotations, navigate to the related genome's "Full data set" page and download the description of how the assembly was generated (i.e., is for mouse genome GRCm38/mm10)
Extract the files into a folder, merge them and grep the ones with component type U or N, then convert it to bed format:
cat *|awk '{ if($5=="N" || $5=="U") print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3}' > gaps.bed
Alternatively, if the files are inside directories for each chromosome, then use:
cat /|awk '{ if($5=="N" || $5=="U") print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3}' > gaps.bed
If the genome you are using has no assembly gaps, you can use an empty file. The gaps file is used to filter out calls that span assembly gaps, certainly an issue in mammalian genomes since those gaps are surrounded by repeats, causing mapping ambiguity. Create one as:
touch gaps.bed
4 - For segmental duplication annotations, navigate to the related genome's "Annotation Database" page and download genomicsSuperDups file (i.e., is for mouse genome GRCm38/mm10)
Extract the file into a folder and convert it to BED format and sort and merge using BEDtools:
cat genomicSuperDups.txt | awk '{OFS="\t"; print $2,$3,$4"\n"$8,$9,$10}'| sortBed | mergeBed > dups.bed
If the genome you are using has no segmental duplications, you can use an empty file. The duplications file is used to filter out calls that may have originated due to ambiguous mapping within segmental duplications. Create one as:
touch dups.bed
You can copy ref.fasta, ref.fasta.fai, reps.out, gaps.bed and dups.bed into the folder where you want to run sonic and remove the others. Make sure all the annotations and the reference are of the same genome and version.
int sonic_build(char *ref_genome, char *gaps, char *reps, char *dups, char *info, char *sonic);
ref_genome: path to the reference genome file (FASTA) [input]. Also requires the ref_genome.fai file in the same directory (samtools faidx).
gaps: path to the gaps file (BED) [input].
reps: path to the repeat annotation file (UCSC/RepeatMasker .out) [input].
dups: path to the segmental duplications annotation file (BED) [input].
info: information string to annotate the SONIC file [input].
sonic: path to the SONIC file [output].
1: success
5: file open error
7: annotation files error
sonic *sonic_load(char *sonic_file_name);
sonic_file_name: path to the SONIC file [input].
sonic_interval *sonic_intersect(sonic *sonic, char *chromosome, int start, int end, sonic_interval_type interval_type);
sonic: Loaded SONIC.
chromosome: name of the chromosome of the interval of interest.
start: start coordinate of the interval of interest (inclusive -- BED-like).
end: end coordinate of the interval of interest (exclusive -- BED-like).
SONIC_GAP: search gap annotation.
SONIC_DUP: search segmental duplication annotation.
SONIC_REP: search repeats annotation.
pointer to a SONIC interval data structure on success.
NULL if not found.
float sonic_is_satellite(sonic *sonic, char *chromosome, int start, int end);
sonic: Loaded SONIC.
chromosome: name of the chromosome of the interval of interest.
start: start coordinate of the interval of interest (inclusive -- BED-like).
end: end coordinate of the interval of interest (exclusive -- BED-like).
>0 if the interval is in a satellite region, it will return the fraction of the interval that is covered by satellites.
0 if it is not.
int sonic_is_gap(sonic *sonic, char *chromosome, int start, int end);
sonic: Loaded SONIC.
chromosome: name of the chromosome of the interval of interest.
start: start coordinate of the interval of interest (inclusive -- BED-like).
end: end coordinate of the interval of interest (exclusive -- BED-like).
1 if the interval is in a gap region.
0 if it is not.
float sonic_is_segmental_duplication(sonic *sonic, char *chromosome, int start, int end);
sonic: Loaded SONIC.
chromosome: name of the chromosome of the interval of interest.
start: start coordinate of the interval of interest (inclusive -- BED-like).
end: end coordinate of the interval of interest (exclusive -- BED-like).
>0 if the interval is in a segmental duplication region, it will return the fraction of the interval that is covered by segmental duplication.
0 if it is not.
sonic_repeat *sonic_is_mobile_element(sonic *sonic, char *chromosome, int start, int end, char *mei_string);
sonic: Loaded SONIC.
chromosome: name of the chromosome of the interval of interest.
start: start coordinate of the interval of interest (inclusive -- BED-like).
end: end coordinate of the interval of interest (exclusive -- BED-like).
mei_string: a colon-seperated of MEI keywords, i.e. "Alu:L1:HERV".
pointer to a SONIC repeat data structure if the interval hits a mobile element.
NULL if it is not.
float sonic_get_gc_content(sonic *sonic, char *chromosome, int start, int end);
sonic: Loaded SONIC.
chromosome: name of the chromosome of the interval of interest.
start: start coordinate of the interval of interest (inclusive -- BED-like).
end: end coordinate of the interval of interest (exclusive -- BED-like).
GC% over the region, returned in [0-100] interval.