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Releases: callstack/react-native-bundle-visualizer


13 Feb 15:00
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.1.2...v3.1.3


12 Jan 17:18
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What's Changed

  • build(deps): bump react-native-reanimated from 2.2.0 to 2.10.0 in /test/Expo42 by @dependabot in #94
  • chore(deps): source map explorer version bump by @hurali97 in #101
  • fix: use patch version of RN64 to fix android build by @hurali97 in #103
  • fix: verbose bundle size output is no longer [object Object] by @omerg in #97
  • refactor: removed RN61 in favor of RN64 test by @hurali97 in #102

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v3.1.2


16 Nov 15:21
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  • Add support for Yarn monorepos by using require.resolve to locate the react-native cli. (thank you @braden1996)


23 Aug 10:14
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes @expo/metro-config resolving to old dependencies, causing problems with newer Expo SDK versions (removes this dependency entirely). See the discussion here.

Breaking changes

  • Removes the -expo command line option. As of Expo SDK 41 this option is no longer needed. Use react-native-bundle-visualizer@2 for Expo SDK 40 or lower.


03 Aug 11:13
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  • Fix unknownApp name for Expo apps
  • Drop support for Node 10
  • Updated dependencies to their latest versions
  • Added tests for react-native 0.64 and Expo SDK 42
  • Expo apps using SDK 41 or higher no longer require --expo bare/managed


07 Jul 13:20
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  • Add --expo [bare|managed] option to generate Expo accurate bundles and handle .expo files correctly
  • Add --format [html|json|tsv] option to output as json or tsv files (thanks wilau2!)
  • Add --only-mapped option for excluding "unmapped" bytes from the output (thanks wilau2!)
  • Updated dependencies to their latest versions


10 Dec 09:35
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  • Fixed build error when app-name contains special characters (Thanks! @ofiron01)
  • Added tests for RN61 and Expo35
  • Added CI support through Travis
  • Updated all dependencies to their latest versions
  • Removed all non-essential files from NPM package

Uses `source-map-explorer` to visualize the Metro bundler output

01 Oct 17:51
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This version switches to using the awesome source-map-explorer package which can visualize the output from the Metro bundler directly. This means that the Haul bundler is no longer used and it should therefore result in less build errors and more accurate results. The source-map-explorer package also provides an interactive User interface which allows you to navigate deeper into the source code.
Additionally, you can now run this version directly using npx without having to install any dependencies.

To use, just run npx react-native-bundle-visualizer

Command line arguments

All command-line arguments are optional. By default a production build will be created for the ios platform.

Option Description Example
platform Platform to build (default is ios) --platform android
dev Dev or production build (default is false) --dev false
entry-file Entry-file (when omitted tries to auto-resolve it) --entry-file ./
bundle-output Output bundle-file (default is tmp) --bundle-output ./myapp.bundle
verbose Dumps additional output to the console (default is false) --verbose
reset-cache Removes cached react-native files (default is false) --reset-cache

Updated to `source-map-explorer` and uses the standard Metro bundler

01 Aug 11:02
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This version switches to using the awesome source-map-explorer package which can visualize the output from the Metro bundler directly. This means that the Haul bundler is no longer used and it should therefore result in less build errors and more accurate results. The source-map-explorer package also provides an interactive User interface which allows you to navigate deeper into the source code.
Additionally, you can now run this version directly using npx without having to install any dependencies.

To use, just run npx react-native-bundle-visualizer@next


31 Jul 11:29
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  • Fixed Can't resolve 'node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js' error when using expo
  • Fixed certain expo-libs giving errors because they were not transpiled