Glidertest is a python package for diagnosing potential issues in Ocean Gliders format glider data. Glidertest does not modify, fix or grid glider data. Functionality currently includes:
- Checking time and depth spacing
- Making histograms and TS diagrams
- Checking for suspect time duration of profiles
- Quantifying the bias between dives and climbs (profiles when the glider is going down/up)
- Checking for sensor drift
- Detecting quenching in chlorophyll data
- Plotting vertical velocities
This is a work in progress, all contributions welcome!
Install from conda with
conda install --channel conda-forge glidertest
Install from PyPI with
python -m pip install glidertest
Documentation is available at
Check out the demo notebook notebooks/demo.ipynb
for example functionality.
As input, glidertest takes OceanGliders format files
All contributions are welcome! See contributing for more details
To install a local, development version of glidertest, clone the repo, open a terminal in the root directory (next to this readme file) and run these commands:
git clone
cd glidertest
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install -e .
This installs glidertest locally. -e ensures that any edits you make in the files will be picked up by scripts that import functions from glidertest.
You can run the example jupyter notebook by launching jupyterlab with jupyter-lab
and navigating to the notebooks
All new functions should include tests, you can run the tests locally and generate a coverage report with:
pytest --cov=glidertest --cov-report term-missing tests/
Try to ensure that all the lines of your contribution are covered in the tests.