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Releases: caltechlibrary/commonpy

Release 1.13.0

02 May 23:21
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Changes in this release:

  • HTTP code 422 is now more accurately returned as a ServiceFailure error instead of a NetworkFailure.

Release 1.12.4

25 Apr 05:58
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Changes in this release:

  • Revise the retry algorithm in timed_request() again.
  • Make timed_request() print the response text in case of failures
  • Remove extra_requires from because it caused installation problems due to the syntax of the requirements file and I don't have patience for figuring out what setuptools needs this time.

Release 1.12.3

09 Apr 22:24
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This release updates the version of the dateparser package in requirements.txt, to avoid a deprecation warning when using CommonPy's parsed_datetime(...) function.

Release 1.12.2

08 Apr 03:02
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This release updates the versions of dependencies in requirements.txt.

Release 1.12.1

08 Apr 02:51
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This version prevents certain exceptions from being buried and ignored, and improves the network failure retry algorithm.

Release 1.12.0

24 Mar 18:12
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Additions in this release:

  • New function network in the network_utils module. It is a companion to net and takes the same arguments, but returns only one value (the response). If an error occurs, it raises the error as an exception. This makes it possible for callers to use network(...) in somewhat more Pythonic style than net(...), by wrapping the call to network(...) in try-except.

Changes in this release:

  • Removed slice from data_utils module because it shadows a Python built-in.
  • Fixed hostname in network_utils to be more general and not hardwire a test for http.
  • Fixed a bunch of flake8 warnings.

Release 1.11.0

14 Feb 23:03
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Additions in this release:

  • New class CaseFoldSet, which is similar to CaseFoldDict but is (as its name implies) a set instead of a dict.

Changes in this release:

  • Fixed a bug in the class documentation in the file.
  • Add missing dependency for twine in requirements-dev.txt
  • Use lazy imports in more places, for faster load times.

Release 1.10.0

24 Jan 03:21
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Changes in this release:

  • data_utils.flattened now outputs [] as the value of dict or mapping keys whose original values are an empty sequence (e.g., when the value of a dict key is []). Previously, it would output None as the value, which was an unexpected transformation of the input.

Bug fixes in this release:

  • Fixed a bug in data_utils.flattened that caused it to ignore the separator argument in some cases.
  • Fixed a missing import of freezegun in requirements-dev.txt.
  • Pin the imported version of regex 2022.3.2, because more recent versions cause calls to dateparser to encounter an error ("regex._regex_core.error: bad escape \d at position 7").

Release 1.9.5

07 Jul 23:27
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The main functional change in this release is that error objects returned by net(...) will have error message bodies returned by network services, where possible.

Internally, there has been some refactoring of the Makefile and addition of things like GitHub template files.

Release 1.9.4

03 Jun 20:50
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This release merely changes the version of httpx required by requirements.txt. No other changes.