Blitz is the fastest, most versatile, and powerful way to resize an image. It is designed to be non-blocking (does not freeze browser UI), and async/await/promise compatible.
Blitz resizes high resolution DSLR images in a matter of seconds. Precipitously cut upload time by resizing your image on the client-side, yet achieve high quality and performance.
npm install blitz-resize --save
const blitz = Blitz.create()
/* Promise */
source: DOM Image/DOM Canvas/jQuery/DataURL/File,
width: 400,
height: 600
}).then(output => {
// handle output
}).catch(error => {
// handle error
/* Await */
let resized = await blitz({...})
/* Old school callback */
const blitz = Blitz.create('callback')
blitz({...}, function(output) {
// run your callback.
Precipitously cut image upload time and server loads by doing client-side image resizing. Blitz is non-blocking so you will not experience UI freeze when it is resizing. Advanced scaling options with max or min height/width.
source: DOM Image/DOM Canvas/jQuery/DataURL/Javscript #File,
// when only 1 is defined, the other will be scaled proportionally by default.
width: (number), // optional
height: (number), // optional
// if width/height is defined, all max and mins are ignored
maxWidth: (number),
maxHeight: (number),
minWidth: (number),
minHeight: (number),
proportional: true (default)/false, // if set to false, resizing will not attempt to maintain proportions
// [optional] jpg, gif, png or raw. when not defined, assumes png.
outputFormat: 'jpg',
// [optional] `image`, `canvas`, `data`, `download`, `blob`, or `flie` for Javascript #File.
// If not entered output is same as input format.
output: 'data',
// [optional] applicable for `image`, `file` or `data` output only
quality: 0.7, // between 0 to 1.
// [optional] if you want to know how fast blitz resize
logPerformance: true/false
}).then(output => {
// outputs:
// 'image' -- Image <Object: Image>: This will be the Image DOM, which you can append to your DOM.
// 'canvas' -- HTML Canvas
// 'data' -- DataURL <String>: You can attach it to <img src> or just redirect to it to show on browser.
// 'download' -- <Function>: You need to call this function to run the download.
// 'blob' -- Blob <Function>: Javascript Blob object
// 'file' -- File <Object>: Javascript File object
}).catch(err => {
// handle err
<input type="file" capture="camera" accept="image/*" id="cameraInput" name="cameraInput">
function readFile(file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = readSuccess;
function readSuccess(evt) {
// data to data (async/await style)
var bAwait = Blitz.create()
try {
let output = await bAwait({
// image will be resized to strictly 400x600
// `proportional: true` will be ignored as it cannot be enforced.
width: 400,
height: 600,
outputFormat: 'jpg',
output: 'data',
quality: 0.7,
logPerformance: true,
proportional: true // this is ignored.
console.log('Resize using event successful')
// data is a string you can attach to image src.
var image = new Image()
image.src = data
} catch(err) {
// image -> canvas (promise-style)
var img = new Image()
img.src =
// using #Object.create and then the #resize method is similar to Blitz.create('callback')
var bPromise = Blitz.create()
img.onload = function() {
source: img,
// image will be resized to width 400, and height will be scalled proportionally (by default)
width: 400,
outputFormat: 'jpg',
output: 'canvas',
quality: 0.7,
logPerformance: true
}).then(canvas => {
console.log('Resize using img to canvas successful')
// data -> image (callback-style)
var bCallback = Object.create(Blitz)
// image will be scaled to maxWidth of 640, with minHeight of 400
// if it cannot be constrained, it will break proportionality.
maxWidth: 640,
minHeight: 400,
outputFormat: 'jpg',
output: 'image',
quality: 0.7,
logPerformance: true
}, function(image) {
console.log('Resize using data successful')
// output is just a standard image DOM.
// you can append it to your DOM.
document.getElementById('cameraInput').onchange = function(e) {
// file -> file
var b5 = Blitz.create()
source: e.srcElement.files[0],
// image will be up or downscaled to always have minHeight of 600
minHeight: 600,
outputFormat: 'jpg',
quality: 0.7,
logPerformance: true
}).then(download => {
console.log('Resize using file successful')
// output is a download function.
// run some operations
// then call #download to download the file.
}).catch(err => {
Blitz is MIT licensed.