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Create Gherkin tests for device-reachability-status-subscriptions & device-roaming-status-subscriptions
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akoshunyadi authored Aug 30, 2024
2 parents 7bb1247 + e18cc4e commit 348a2f3
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225 changes: 225 additions & 0 deletions code/Test_definitions/device-reachability-status-subscriptions.feature
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@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@

Feature: Device Reachability Status Subscriptions API, v0.6.0 - Operations Reachability Status Subscription

# Input to be provided by the implementation to the tests
# References to OAS spec schemas refer to schemas specified in device-reachability-status-subscriptions.yaml, version v0.6.0

Background: Common Device Reachability Status Subscriptions setup
Given the resource "{apiroot}/device-reachability-status-subscriptions/v0.6" as base-url
And the header "Authorization" is set to a valid access token
And the header "x-correlator" is set to a UUID value

######### Happy Path Scenarios #################################

Scenario: Create reachability status subscription synchronously
Given that subscriptions are created synchronously
And a valid subscription request body
When the request "createDeviceReachabilityStatusSubscription" is sent
Then the response code is 201
And the response header "Content-Type" is "application/json"
And the response header "x-correlator" has same value as the request header "x-correlator"
And the response body complies with the OAS schema at "/components/schemas/Subscription"

Scenario: Create reachability status subscription asynchronously
Given that subscriptions are created asynchronously
And a valid subscription request body
When the request "createDeviceReachabilityStatusSubscription" is sent
Then the response code is 202
And the response header "Content-Type" is "application/json"
And the response header "x-correlator" has same value as the request header "x-correlator"
And the response body complies with the OAS schema at "/components/schemas/SubscriptionAsync"

Scenario: Get a list of subscriptions when no subscriptions available
Given a client without subscriptions created
When the request "retrieveSubscriptionList" is sent
Then the response code is 200
And the response header "Content-Type" is "application/json"
And the response header "x-correlator" has same value as the request header "x-correlator"
And the response body is an empty array

Scenario: Get a list of subscriptions
Given a client with subscriptions created
When the request "retrieveSubscriptionList" is sent
Then the response code is 200
And the response header "Content-Type" is "application/json"
And the response header "x-correlator" has same value as the request header "x-correlator"
And the response body has an array of items and each item complies with the OAS schema at "/components/schemas/Subscription"

Scenario: Get a subscription based on existing subscription-id.
Given the path parameter "subscriptionId" is set to the identifier of an existing subscription
When the request "retrieveSubscription" is sent
Then the response code is 200
And the response header "Content-Type" is "application/json"
And the response header "x-correlator" has same value as the request header "x-correlator"
And the response body complies with the OAS schema at "/components/schemas/Subscription"

Scenario: Delete a subscription based on existing subscription-id.
Given the path parameter "subscriptionId" is set to the identifier of an existing subscription
When the request "deleteSubscription" is sent
Then the response code is 202 or 204
And the response header "x-correlator" has same value as the request header "x-correlator"
And if the response property $.status is 204 then response body is not available
And if the response property $.status is 202 then response body complies with the OAS schema at "/components/schemas/SubscriptionAsync"

Scenario: Receive notification for reachability-data event
Given that subscriptions are created synchronously
And a valid subscription request body
And the request body property "$.type" is "reachability-data"
When the request "createDeviceReachabilityStatusSubscription" is sent
Then the response code is 201
And if the device reachability is changed to data usage
Then event notification "reachability-data" is received on callback-url
And sink credentials are received as expected
And notification body complies with the OAS schema at "##/components/schemas/EventReachabilityData"
And type="org.camaraproject.device-reachability-status-subscriptions.v0.reachability-data"

Scenario: Receive notification for reachability-sms event
Given that subscriptions are created synchronously
And a valid subscription request body
And the request body property "$.type" is "reachability-sms"
When the request "createDeviceReachabilityStatusSubscription" is sent
Then the response code is 201
And if the device reachability is changed to sms usage
Then event notification "reachability-sms" is received on callback-url
And sink credentials are received as expected
And notification body complies with the OAS schema at "##/components/schemas/EventReachabilitySms"
And type="org.camaraproject.device-reachability-status-subscriptions.v0.reachability-sms"

Scenario: Receive notification for reachability-disconnected event
Given that subscriptions are created synchronously
And a valid subscription request body
And the request body property "$.type" is "reachability-disconnected"
When the request "createDeviceReachabilityStatusSubscription" is sent
Then the response code is 201
And if the device reachability is changed to disconnected
Then event notification "reachability-disconnected" is received on callback-url
And sink credentials are received as expected
And notification body complies with the OAS schema at "##/components/schemas/EventReachabilityDisconnected"
And type="org.camaraproject.device-reachability-status-subscriptions.v0.reachability-disconnected"

Scenario: Receive notification for subscription-ends event on expiry
Given that subscriptions are created synchronously
And a valid subscription request body
And the request body property "$.subscriptionExpireTime" is set to a value in the near future
When the request "createDeviceReachabilityStatusSubscription" is sent
Then the response code is 201
Then the subscription is expired
Then event notification "subscription-ends" is received on callback-url
And notification body complies with the OAS schema at "##/components/schemas/EventSubscriptionEnds"
And type="org.camaraproject.device-reachability-status-subscriptions.v0.subscription-ends"
And the response property "$.terminationReason" is "SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED"

Scenario: Receive notification for subscription-ends event on max events reached
Given that subscriptions are created synchronously
And a valid subscription request body
And the request body property "$.type" is "reachability-data"
And the request body property "$.subscriptionMaxEvents" is set to 1
When the request "createDeviceReachabilityStatusSubscription" is sent
Then the response code is 201
Then event notification "reachability-data" is received on callback-url
Then event notification "subscription-ends" is received on callback-url
And notification body complies with the OAS schema at "##/components/schemas/EventSubscriptionEnds"
And type="org.camaraproject.device-reachability-status-subscriptions.v0.subscription-ends"
And the response property "$.terminationReason" is "MAX_EVENTS_REACHED"

Scenario: Receive notification for subscription-ends event on deletion
Given that subscriptions are created synchronously
And a valid subscription request body
When the request "createDeviceReachabilityStatusSubscription" is sent
Then the response code is 201
When the request "deleteSubscription" is sent
Then the response code is 202 or 204
Then event notification "subscription-ends" is received on callback-url
And notification body complies with the OAS schema at "##/components/schemas/EventSubscriptionEnds"
And type="org.camaraproject.device-reachability-status-subscriptions.v0.subscription-ends"
And the response property "$.terminationReason" is "SUBSCRIPTION_DELETED"

############### Error response scenarios ###########################

Scenario: Create subscription with invalid parameter
Given the request body is not compliant with the schema "/components/schemas/SubscriptionRequest"
When the request "createDeviceReachabilityStatusSubscription" is sent
Then the response code is 400
And the response property "$.status" is 400
And the response property "$.code" is "INVALID_ARGUMENT"
And the response property "$.message" contains a user friendly text

Scenario: Expiry time in past
Given a valid subscription request body
And request body property "$.subscriptionexpiretime" in past
When the request "createDeviceReachabilityStatusSubscription" is sent
Then the response code is 400
And the response property "$.status" is 400
And the response property "$.code" is "INVALID_ARGUMENT"
And the response property "$.message" contains a user friendly text

Scenario: subscription creation with invalid protocol
Given a valid subscription request body
And the request property "$.protocol" is not set to "HTTP"
When the request "createDeviceReachabilityStatusSubscription" is sent
Then the response property "$.status" is 400
And the response property "$.code" is "INVALID_PROTOCOL"
And the response property "$.message" contains a user friendly text

Scenario: subscription creation with invalid credential type
Given a valid subscription request body
And the request property "$.credentialType" is not "ACCESSTOKEN"
When the request "createDeviceReachabilityStatusSubscription" is sent
Then the response property "$.status" is 400
And the response property "$.code" is "INVALID_CREDENTIAL"
And the response property "$.message" contains a user friendly text

Scenario: subscription creation with invalid access token type
Given a valid subscription request body
And the request property "$.accessTokenType" is not "bearer"
When the request "createDeviceReachabilityStatusSubscription" is sent
Then the response property "$.status" is 400
And the response property "$.code" is "INVALID_TOKEN" or "INVALID_ARGUMENT"
And the response property "$.message" contains a user friendly text

Scenario: subscription creation with invalid credentials
Given a valid subscription request body
And header "Authorization" token is set to invalid credentials
When the request "createDeviceReachabilityStatusSubscription" is sent
Then the response property "$.status" is 401
And the response property "$.code" is "UNAUTHENTICATED"
And the response property "$.message" contains a user friendly text

Scenario: subscription creation with inconsistent access token for requested events subscription
# To test this, a token have to be obtained for a different device
Given a valid subscription request body
And the request body property "$.device" is set to a valid testing device supported by the service
And header "Authorization" set to access token referring different device
When the request "createDeviceReachabilityStatusSubscription" is sent
Then the response property "$.status" is 403
And the response property "$.code" is "SUBSCRIPTION_MISMATCH"
And the response property "$.message" contains a user friendly text

Scenario: Get subscription when subscription-id is unknown to the system
Given the path parameter property "$.subscriptionId" is unknown to the system
When the request "retrieveSubscription" is sent
Then the response property "$.status" is 404
And the response property "$.code" is "NOT_FOUND"
And the response property "$.message" contains a user friendly text

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