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A library for easily uploading swift logs to your own server


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This project is not being updated regularly. Feel free to fork and modify for your own needs.

LogUploader helps you upload your logs to your own server using HTTP POST. If you already use XCGLogger, the setup is pretty easy! Check out the documentation below and the example project if you want. (SwiftyBeaver configuration is also similar with XCGLogger so you can switch without a big effort)


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • XCGLogger
  • Alamofire

The requirements are added as pod dependencies. You won't have to install them manually.


LogUploder is currently in development but you can still install it with CocoaPods. Just add

source '' # on top of the file


pod 'LogUploader' # in the target

in your Podfile.

We appreciate any kind of contribution!

Basic Usage

Setting up XCGLogger

The following is a basic setup of XCGLogger with a console destination added as default. For more information please visit here

let log: XCGLogger = {
    let log = XCGLogger.default
    log.setup(level: .debug, showFunctionName: false, showLevel: true, showFileNames: true, showLineNumbers: true, showDate: true)
	// The destination setups will come here
    return log

JSON Destination

Destination? What?

XCGLogger works with destinations and the destinations handle what should be done with the logs. LogUploader has its own destnation superclass CustomFileDestination. It passes the the arguments of a log as a codable struct which helps by creating data interchange files.

The default file destination that is included by now is JSONDestination. It saves the logs in a JSON file which is one of the most used human-readable data interchange file formats.

Adding a JSONDestination to the XCGLogger

Initializing a JSON Destination and adding it to XCGLogger is pretty easy. Here's an example with log uploader configurations

// The following 2 lines are for log uploading. If you just want to save your logs as 
// a JSON file, these lines are not necessary
let logUploadConf = LogUploadConfiguration(requestURL: requestURL) // URL of the HTTP server
let logUploaderConf = LogUploaderConfiguration(uploader: DefaultLogUploader(), uploadConf: logUploadConf)

let jsonDestination = JSONDestination(owner: log, // XCGLogger object. `log` if you used the basic setup above
				      fileURL: logFileURL, // Where to save the JSON file
				      identifier: "logger.jsonLogger", // An unique id for the destination
				      uploaderConf: logUploaderConf) // Also for log upload. Can be omitted
log.add(destination: jsonDestination)


Now that JSON destination is registered in XCGLogger, any logs that are written using XCGLogger will be saved in the JSON file. To log anywhere in your code, simply type log.LEVEL(MESSAGE) where level can be debug, info, error etc. and message can be anything

For more info please visit XCGLogger documentation

Uploading logs

If you have a valid LogUploadConfiguration you can upload your logs as easy as logging. Just type


to uploads logs of every available UploadableFileDestination's or

log.uploadLogs(for: 'destinationId')

to upload logs of a single destination. You can also get the results in a completion closure.

Cleaning Logs

If you are storing the logfiles after an upload (look here) you might (and most probably will) want to delete them after a while. There are two options for deleting the logs;

  • To delete successfully uploaded logfiles:
  • To delete all logfiles (except the currently open one):

Advanced usage

Log Uploader Configuration

LogUploaderConfiguration is the struct that holds the settings for the desired Log Uploader. The following settings are available;

  • uploader: LogUploader - An instance of your desired log uploader. i.e. DefaultLogUploder
  • uploadConfiguration: LogUploadConfiguration
  • storeSuccessfulUploads: Bool - Boolean that decides if the successful log uploads should be stored in the device until they get manually deleted.
  • storeFailedUploads: Bool - Boolean that decides if the failed log uploads should be stored in the device until they get successfuly uploaded.
  • autoRetryFailedUploads: Bool - Boolean that decides if the failed and stored uploads should be automatically retried to upload after next successful upload.

Log Upload Configuration

LogUploadConfiguration is the struct that holds the required networking etc. settings for an upload operation. The following settings are available;

  • requestURL: URL - The URL for the POST request
  • parameters: [String: Any] - The request body. Look here
  • paramterEncoding: ParameterEncoding (from Alamofire) - Encoding type for the POST parameters. i.e. .JSON
  • headers: (() -> [String: String])? - Closure that should return the HTTP request headers. Will be executed for each upload operation. (Put your sensitive/dynamic data like credentials or sync tokens here)
Request Parameters

Dictionary for the body of the request. The following values are default;

  • UUID
  • Device model
  • Device name
  • System name
  • System version
  • App version
  • App build version
  • Logs


  1. Create an issue
  2. Simply clone the project and solve the issue on a new branch
  3. Create a pull request

See for commit message guide

Thank's for your contribution :)


Ihsan B. Yilmaz,


LogUploader is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.