an attempt to automate the installation and configuration of a cluster with warewulf and mpich
Guidelines for Creating Debian 7.11 Linux Cluster (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
ls /Volumes diskutil list
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk3
sudo dd if=debian-7.11.0-amd64-netinst.iso of=/dev/disk3 bs=1m
/boot (~16 GB, ext4) Swap (2x Physical Memory) / (~200 GB, ext4) /usr (~200 GB, ext4) (Semi-optional:) /home (~500 GB, ext4) /usr/local (depends on how much custom/source installations you’ll have) /scratch (common computing filespace) (Not semi-optional; i.e., mandatory for true production systems:) /tmp (????)
For the installation process, you’ll typically choose eth0 (external NIC) and DHCP to be autoconfigured. Nothing needs to be done for eth1.
Install base system for Debian Linux on master node. Select: Debian Desktop environment, SSH server, Standard system utils
apt-get update apt-get upgrade
cd /home/user git cd wwMpi cp -r * ~ cd ~ ./
ip route
default via dev eth0 proto static dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src
showmount -e
wwsh node new n0001 --hwaddr=b8:ac:6f:32:37:08 --ipaddr=
Note, if you have trouble booting compute nodes over tftpd from here, it may be that the switch has bad arp info - so, restart the switch
ssh n0001 df -k ls -ltra /home
su (non-root username)
cd echo -ne '\n' | ssh-keygen -t rsa
cd ~/.ssh cp authorized_keys cd yes "" | ssh n0001
yes "" | ssh $masternode
exit exit ssh n0001 ssh (masternode) exit exit exit
NOTE: If you have a kernel upgrade in this, you may need to update the bootstrap image by executing the following commands:
wwbootstrap 3.21.6 wwsh provision set n0001 --vnfs=debian7 --bootstrap=3.21.6-4-amd64
ntpq ntpq> peers
wwsh node new n0002 --hwaddr=b8:ac:6f:34:b2:fd --ipaddr= wwsh node new n0003 --hwaddr=b8:ac:6f:34:62:c7 --ipaddr=
wwsh node new n0016 --hwaddr=b8:ac:6f:32:2e:d4 --ipaddr=
Make sure all of the new nodes have their hostnames added to the ssh config files by logging # into them manually over ssh, which should prompt for their addition to the files
confirm that pdsh will execute a command in parallel across an initial set of four compute nodes, as a root and as a normal user:
( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)
ssh n0001 ssh (masternode) exit exit pdsh -R ssh -w (masternodename),n0001 hostname pdsh -R ssh -w (masternodename),n0001 uname -a
chroot /srv/chroots/debian7 mount -t proc proc proc/ apt-get install rsyslog wwvnfs --chroot /srv/chroots/debian7 --hybridpath=/vnfs wwsh dhcp update
pdsh -R ssh -w n0001,n0002,n0003,n0004 reboot
cp ~/configFiles/hello.c /home/(username)/hello.c
mpicc -o hello.out hello.c
mpirun -hosts (masternodename),n0001 -n 12 ./hello.out