A Flight component for storing JSON data in arbitrary data stores. Currently supports:
- Cookie
- Data attributes
- In-memory object
- Local storage
- Location hash
- Window name
bower install --save flight-storage
define(['flight-storage/manager'], function(StorageManager) {
// Setup the store
StorageManager.attachTo(document, {
adapter: 'local-storage',
saveEvent: 'storage-save',
getEvent: 'storage-get',
clearEvent: 'storage-clear'
// Listen for successful actions
$(document).on('storage-save-success storage-get-success storage-clear-success', function(e, data) {
console.log(e, data);
// Listen for errors
$(document).on('storage-save-failure storage-get-failure storage-clear-failure', function(e, data) {
console.error(e, data);
// Save a key/value pair
$(document).trigger('storage-save', {key:'foo', value:{bar:'baz', boo:1337}});
// Retrieve a key/value pair
$(document).trigger('storage-get', {key:'foo'});
// Clear the data store
or use the storage adapter mixins directly in your components
define(['flight/lib/component', 'flight-storage/adapters/local-storage'], function(defineComponent, withLocalStorage) {
var MyComponent = defineComponent(myComponent, withLocalStorage);
function myComponent() {
this.after('initialize', function() {
this.on('myComponentEvent', function(e, data) {
// Save into local storage
this.set(data.key, data.value);
return MyComponent;
Development of this component needs Bower, and ideally Karma to be globally installed:
npm install -g bower karma
Then install the Node.js and client-side dependencies by running the following commands in the repo's root directory.
npm install
bower install
To continuously run the tests in Chrome and Firefox during development, just run:
karma start