Project Title: Crispyroll
Camille Kyna Gonzales, Jennifer Trainor
All CRUD steps are fully functioning on all entities.
- Users
- When DELETEing a user, records of animes associated with that user are deleted from the intersection table (M:N relationship) - Animes
- Dynamic dropdown for Studios when UPDATEing - Studios
- Ratings
- Able to set user_id FK to NULL with UPDATE (NULLable relationship)
- Dynamic dropdown for Users and Animes when CREATEing, and for Users when UPDATEing - Users/Animes
- M:N intersection table between Users and Animes
- DELETEing from this table does not affect related tables
- Dynamic dropdown for Users and Animes when CREATEing, and for Animes when UPDATEing
- Node.js
- Handlebars
- Javascript
- Express