junit2html by Ian Norton inorton@gmail.com
Hosted at https://gitlab.com/inorton/junit2html
This is a simple self-contained python tool to produce a single html file from a single junit xml file.
$ python -m junit2htmlreport JUNIT_XML_FILE [NEW_HTML_FILE]
$ junit2html pytest-results.xml testrun.html
$ python -m junit2htmlreport pytest-results.xml
Render Text summary of results
junit2html mytest-results.xml --summary-matrix
Render Text sumamry of results and exit non-zero on failures
junit2html --summary-matrix ./tests/junit-unicode.xml --max-failures 1
$ sudo python setup.py install
$ sudo pip install junit2html
You can see junit2html's own test report output content at: https://gitlab.com/inorton/junit2html/-/jobs/artifacts/master/browse?job=python36
An an example of the "matrix" report output can be found at: https://gitlab.com/inorton/junit2html/-/jobs/artifacts/master/file/junit2htmlreport/tests/matrix-example.html?job=python36
Junit is a widely used java test framework, it happens to produce a fairly generic formatted test report and many non-java things produce the same files (eg py.test) or can be converted quite easily to junit xml (cunit reports via xslt). The report files are understood by many things like Jenkins and various IDEs.
The format of junit files is described here: http://llg.cubic.org/docs/junit/
Junit2html is maintained on gitlab at https://gitlab.com/inorton/junit2html
The current master build status of junit2html is:
The current coverage status is:
Releases are availible via Pypi using pip