This repository moved here:
Javascript client library for Camunda Platform
bower install camunda-bpm-sdk-js --save
npm install
grunt auto-build
grunt karma
Alternatively, you can use the specific targets
grunt karma:dev-form
# or
grunt karma:dev-form-angularjs
grunt mochacli
# or
grunt watch:mochacli
To create a release:
grunt publish:release --setversion='myReleaseVersion'
This will update the version, commit and tag it, then publish it to bower-camunda-bpm-sdk-js
To create a snapshot release which just builds current head and publishes it to bower-camunda-bpm-sdk-js on a branch named by the current version:
grunt publish:snapshot
If you just want to update the current version:
grunt publish:version --setversion='myNewVersion'
- --no-bower -> skip bower release
- --no-write -> dryRun mode
You are more than welcome to take part in the development of this project!
Clone the repository, add, fix or improve and send us a pull request. But please take care about the commit messages, our conventions can be found here.
In place of a guide, just follow the formatting of existing code :-)
The source files in this repository are made available under the Apache License Version 2.0.