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Explanation of command line options

Can Bican edited this page Jun 21, 2015 · 2 revisions



Command line interface of wordpress-java covers most, but not all functionality of the API as a text/only interface.

List of options

jwordpress -? will output:

 -?,--help                 Print usage information
 -a,--authors              Get author list
 -c,--categories           Get category list
 -cn,--newcategory <arg>   New category (uses --slug and --parentid)
 -h,--url <arg>            Specify the url to xmlrpc.php
 -l,--publish <arg>        Publish status for "new" options
 -mn,--newmedia <arg>      New media file (uses --overwrite)
 -od,--deletepost <arg>    Delete post (needs --publish)
 -oe,--editpost <arg>      Edit post (needs --postid and --publish
 -oi,--postid <arg>        Post id for pages and posts
 -on,--newpost <arg>       New post from file <arg> (needs --publish)
 -or,--recentposts <arg>   Get recent posts
 -os,--getpost <arg>       Get post
 -ov,--overwrite           Allow overwrite in uploading new media
 -p,--pass <arg>           Password
 -pd,--deletepage <arg>    Delete page (needs --publish)
 -pe,--editpage <arg>      Edit page (needs --postid and --publish
 -pg,--pages               Get page list (full)
 -pi,--parentid <arg>      Parent id for categories
 -pl,--pagelist            Get page list
 -pn,--newpage <arg>       New page from file <arg> (needs --publish)
 -ps,--page <arg>          Get page
 -s,--slug <arg>           Slug for categories
 -sm,--supportedmethods    List supported methods
 -so,--supportedstatus     Print supported page and post status values
 -st,--supportedfilters    List supported text filters
 -u,--user <arg>           User name
 -us,--userinfo            Get user information

Detailed Explanation of Options

--user , --pass and --url

These are the options you should supply for most of the other options. Specifically, --url points to the location of xmlrpc.php, usually http://blogaddress/xmlrpc.php . Please see the document PreferencesForWordpressJava for not having to enter these options with every command.


Prints out a list of authors registered in the system. Fields are ':' separated. These are the field names in the output:



Prints out a list of categories in the system. Fields are ':' separated. These are the field names in the output:

Category Id:Category Name:Description:Html Url:Parent Id:Rss Url


Creates a new category. For example,

jwordpress --newcategory 'Test category' --slug 'test' --parentid 0

will create a top-level category whose short name is "test".


Replaces a post with the new content. For example,

jwordpress --editpost post.txt --postid 18 --publish publish

will replace post #18 with the contents of the file post.txt, and publish it immediately. For the format of post.txt, see the page PostFormat and for possible values of --publish, see PublishValues .


Deletes a post. For example,

jwordpress --deletepost 18 --publish publish

will delete the post whose id is 18.


Creates a new post. For example.

jwordpress --newpost post.txt --publish publish

will create a new post from post.txt.


Retrieves the list of last n posts. jwordpress --recentposts 10 will dump the latest 10 posts.


Retrieves a post by post id. jwordpress --getpost 18 will retrieve the post with the id 18.


Deletes a page, just like --deletepost would delete a post.


Edits a page, just like --editpost would edit a post.


Returns all pages in the system. jwordpress --pages will dump all page entries to stdout.


Returns all pages in the system, but not in full. It just dumps the name, parent id and the publishing date.


Creates a new page, just like --newpost would create a new page.


Retrieves a page by page id, just like --getpost would retrieve a post.


Lists all methods supported by the xmlrpc interface. Hardly useful in command line interface.


Lists all supported filters in wordpress installation. Hardly useful in command line interface.


Lists all supported publish values for posts and pages, which might be different.


Displays information about the authenticated user.


Uploads a media file (picture, movie, etc.). Requires a file name as the argument. One can use --overwrite to enable overwriting of old uploads. How the mime type of the file is determined is explained in MimeTypes.