CSS snippets and themes for www.logseq.com:
- the *.user.css work with Stylus extension for Chrome/FF/Opera
- the *.css snippets can be used with stylus (recommended) or directly added to your custom.css
a dark theme for logseq with some extra features :
- external links have an icon
- journal pages : titles with icon
- styled tags as label boxes
- tags will have an emoji (#book📚, #movie🎞,#audio🎹, #games🕹, ...)
- add emoji for TODO 🔥 and DOING 🚧
- restyled code blocks so that the language tab is out of the way and easier to click
- fonts : Cairo (=Titillium web) and Teko
- new color palette, neutral background with more color contrast
- query block have a small 'query' label
- restyled tables
- journals page is more compact
- titles folding arrows are bigger easier to click
- scheduled timestands with Consolas monospace font
- restyled scrollbars
- less space around admonition blocks
to install inside a custom.css without stylus :
> remove the line `@-moz-document domain("logseq.com") {`
> remove the last `}` at the very end of the file
colorize the indentation lines
a kanban/columns/cards layout. USE WITH STYLUS to enable it only when needed
add a small icon near external links (aklready included in the theme)
restore the scrollbar on the right sidebar in addition to the main container scrollbar, makes it easier to navigate with pen-based systems without scroll wheels
highlight the bullets of the current path
fade out all lines except the current line. the parent block will be highlighted. useful for long documents with multiples levels. USE WITH STYLUS to be able to enable/disable it easily. I wouldn't activate that all the time.
(Click the button to install the theme if you already have Stylus)
(Click the button to install the theme if you already have Stylus)