Contributor: Xinling Wang
Mentors: Augustin Luna, Ruslan Forostianov, Meysam Ghaffari
This project is about build and train a streaming chatbot on four datasets: Documentation site of cBioportal, Google group conversations, PMC papers used in studies, and OPENAPI. Also, the project used route logic to combine 5 chains, and wrote a routing logic function to choose chatbot depending on user query. The chatbot has chat history, indicators, and example questions, download button and footer (disclaimer) in user interface.
Documentation site chain : Dataset :
- This chain can retrieve data from cBioPortal documentation(markdown files) with a URL of document reference.
- Markdown files were loaded and splitter by customised Markdown loader .
- Defined a function of adding documentation file url in metadata(inside Markdown loader)
- This database contains 81 markdown files
- Used Maximal marginal relevance as search type this chain
Google Conversation chain : Dataset:
- This chain can retrieve data from last 3 years Google Group Conversation from cBioPortal. The format of conversations is Mbox.
- Cleaned mbox file by deleting base64 string image and only keep email_from, email_to, email_subject,and email_text, also converted mbox to json in this file
- combined messages from same conversations in this file
- Used a json loader and defined separator, such as new line, to load and split data using load_and_split function
- Cleaned the embedding queue in vector database by deleting repeated rows which cause the size to be 100 times larger
PubMed Central papers chain : Dataset:
- This chain can retrieve data from 200+ PubMed central papers used in 411 cBioPortal studies.
- Defined a PubMed Central loader to download pmc papers from S3 and extract full-text to load
- Used PyMuPDFLoader (can read multi-column) to load pmc papers only in pdf format
- Added study information as metadata for each chunk in PMC database
- Contribute the PubMed Central loader to Langchain
cBioportal OPENAPI chain : Dataset:
- This chain can retrieve study and sample data from cBioportal Endpoints
- Defined a retriever to handle API call responses
- Called the LLM a second time to generate a human-readable response.
- Generated a yaml file to support OpenAPI call
- Return “Sorry, no keywords of study found. ” when the default of api (return all the studies) is called.
Making plots chain :
- This chain can retrieve data from defined markdown plotting code example.
- This chain can generate code of making plot from study and sample informations.
- Bar chart, pie chart and scatter chart are all available to generate
Used Chroma to store embeddings. Exported vector databases with metadata in CSV files.
embeddings = AzureOpenAIEmbeddings(
def create_and_save_embedding(raw_documents, persist_directory, embeddings):
# This function creates embeddings using Azure OpenAI Embeddings and then saves these embeddings into a vector database using Chroma.
# Parameters:
# raw_documents: A list of documents that are split and ready to be processed for embedding.
# persist_directory: The directory where the vector database will be saved for future use.
# embeddings: embedding function above
vectordb = Chroma.from_documents(
return vectordb
def reuse_embedding(persist_directory,embedding_function):
# This function loads and reuses a previously saved vector database containing document embeddings.
# Parameters:
# persist_directory is the path saved in the function above
# embeddings: embedding function above
vectordb = Chroma(persist_directory=persist_directory, embedding_function=embedding_function)
return vectordb
#open a Chroma vector database
db1 = Chroma(persist_directory="your_vectorDB_path")
count = db1._collection.count()
def extract_and_write_data(db1, output_file, num_lines=count):
with open(output_file, "w", newline='') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
writer.writerow(['id', 'text_model', 'document_content', 'embeddings'])
for i in range(num_lines):
res = db1._collection.get(limit=1, offset=i, include=["embeddings"])
doc = db1._collection.get(limit=1, offset=i, include=["documents"])
metadata = db1._collection.get(limit=1, offset=i, include=["metadatas"])
text_model = "text-embedding-ada-002"
for j in range(len(res['ids'])):
if j < len(res['embeddings']):
id_value = res['ids'][j]
metadata_content = metadata['metadatas'][j]
document_content = doc["documents"][j]
if document_content:
embeddings = ",".join(map(str, res['embeddings'][j])) # Convert embeddings list to comma-separated string
writer.writerow([id_value, text_model, document_content, embeddings])
extract_and_write_data(db1, "your_file.csv")
Dockerized the whole project including all the embedding databases: Docker link:
Recommend create a Azure Openai gpt4 account(chat completions)
Create a .env file contains content below:
To Run: docker run -p 7860:7860 --env-file .env xinlingwang/chatbot:new
Open browser and go to
- To add new files, you can just use Markdown loader to load and split.
Google Conversation:
- download the latest google group conversation. This link can help to download.
- Secondly, clean the mbox file downloaded to only extract email_from, email_to, email_subject,and email_text, also converted mbox to json using file
- load the file using load_and_split function in mbox_chatbot
OpenAPI (add new endpoints):
- Use swagger editor to convert cbioportal api to convert and save as YAML.
- Add the newpoint info from YAML file into the existing OPENAPI yaml file
- No needs to do step 2.
PubMed Central papers:
- Use to download and extract paper
- Using pubmed loader to load and split
- create embedding for new file using create_and_save_embedding function above.
- The last step is combine the embedding with existing markdown embedding databse using combine_db