Releases: capistrano-plugins/capistrano-postgresql
Releases · capistrano-plugins/capistrano-postgresql
Using upload! from sshkit instead of Net::SCP
v6.0.1, 2018-07-16
Quick fix for psql with sudo
v6.0.0, 2018-07-09
- Fix for pg_without_sudo; Wasn't adding -U to args
- New feature that will ALTER USER/Password with any change to pg_password. Random passwords will cause each cap setup to run the ALTER USER, but that's fine as a user should technically only be using setup initially. It's not that hard to obtain the new password if this happens.
- New redaction for logging of passwords & SSHKIT 1.17.0 in gemspec
- README updates
v5.0.1, 2018-06-05
- Quick fix for fetch(:pg_database) on extension adding
v5.0.0, 2018-06-05
- Code cleanup
- Removal of legacy add hstore method
- Using execute and test properly so we can see what the gem is doing in the STDOUT
- Expanded remove_all task to actually cover everything
- Added deploy config option pg_generate_random_password, instead of using it by default when pg_password is excluded
- issues/53: Bug fixed for updates to the archetype when using random password
- projects/1: Prep for RSPEC testing project
Error reporting refinement + Ensuring :db and :app servers
Added check for at least one :app role server
Added check for :db role in issues/20
proper rails_env now shows in cap STDOUT
better error reporting for username creation
ReadMe changes
Production Stable + issues/49
Production stable
Fixed issues/49
Compatibility fixes
v4.8.0, 2017-12-28
- issues/47: Fixed random password generation feature
- Added the rest of the supported options for the rails database.yml
- pull/46 (Thanks to Tom Prats / @tomprats): Fix for SCP command and the host value it uses.
- Removed :system_user
Capability changes : issues/44
v4.7.0 issues/44: Fixed
Stable: :pg_without_sudo feature added
Stable release. Available on