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chore(renovate): Configure Renovate (#123)
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Welcome to [Renovate](! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin.

🚦 To activate Renovate, merge this Pull Request. To disable Renovate, simply close this Pull Request unmerged.

### Detected Package Files

 * `.github/workflows/deploy-ibm-cloud-staging.yml` (github-actions)
 * `.github/workflows/deploy-ibm-cloud.yml` (github-actions)
 * `.github/workflows/percy-update-base.yml` (github-actions)
 * `package.json` (npm)
 * `packages/eslint-config-ibmdotcom/package.json` (npm)
 * `packages/stylelint-config-ibmdotcom/package.json` (npm)
### Configuration

🔡 Renovate has detected a custom config for this PR. Feel free to ask for [help]( if you have any doubts and would like it reviewed.

Important: Now that this branch is edited, Renovate can't rebase it from the base branch any more. If you make changes to the base branch that could impact this onboarding PR, please merge them manually.

### What to Expect

With your current configuration, Renovate will create 44 Pull Requests:

<summary>fix(deps): update dependency next to v11 [security]</summary>

  - Branch name: `renovate/npm-next-vulnerability`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [next]( to `11.1.1`


<summary>fix(deps): pin dependencies</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/pin-dependencies`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Pin [@actions/core]( to `1.5.0`
  - Pin [@carbon/ibmdotcom-react]( to `1.27.0`
  - Pin [@carbon/ibmdotcom-styles]( to `1.27.0`
  - Pin [@carbon/ibmdotcom-web-components]( to `1.12.0`
  - Pin [@carbon/icons-react]( to `10.13.0`
  - Pin [@commitlint/cli]( to `11.0.0`
  - Pin [@commitlint/config-conventional]( to `11.0.0`
  - Pin [@percy/cli]( to `1.0.0-beta.68`
  - Pin [@percy/cypress]( to `3.1.1`
  - Pin [@percy/dom]( to `1.0.0-beta.68`
  - Pin [@zeit/next-sass]( to `1.0.1`
  - Pin [babel-eslint]( to `10.1.0`
  - Pin [carbon-components-react]( to `7.44.1`
  - Pin [commander]( to `6.2.1`
  - Pin [cypress]( to `8.7.0`
  - Pin [cypress-wait-until]( to `1.7.2`
  - Pin [dotenv]( to `8.6.0`
  - Pin [eslint]( to `6.8.0`
  - Pin [eslint-config-airbnb]( to `17.1.1`
  - Pin [eslint-config-airbnb-base]( to `13.2.0`
  - Pin [eslint-config-prettier]( to `5.1.0`
  - Pin [eslint-plugin-cypress]( to `2.12.1`
  - Pin [eslint-plugin-import]( to `2.24.2`
  - Pin [eslint-plugin-jsdoc]( to `15.12.2`
  - Pin [eslint-plugin-jsdoc]( to `23.1.0`
  - Pin [eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y]( to `6.4.1`
  - Pin [eslint-plugin-prettier]( to `3.4.1`
  - Pin [eslint-plugin-react]( to `7.26.0`
  - Pin [eslint-plugin-react-hooks]( to `1.7.0`
  - Pin [eslint-plugin-react-hooks]( to `3.0.0`
  - Pin [eslint-plugin-tree-shaking]( to `1.9.2`
  - Pin [eslint-restricted-globals]( to `0.2.0`
  - Pin [express]( to `4.17.1`
  - Pin [fast-sass-loader]( to `1.5.0`
  - Pin [http-server]( to `0.12.3`
  - Pin [husky]( to `1.3.1`
  - Pin [lint-staged]( to `8.2.1`
  - Pin [lit-element]( to `2.5.1`
  - Pin [lit-html]( to `1.4.1`
  - Pin [next-compose-plugins]( to `2.2.1`
  - Pin [node-sass]( to `4.14.1`
  - Pin [prettier]( to `2.4.1`
  - Pin [prop-types]( to `15.7.2`
  - Pin [rtlcss]( to `2.6.2`
  - Pin [sass-loader]( to `10.2.0`
  - Pin [start-server-and-test]( to `1.14.0`
  - Pin [stylelint]( to `13.13.1`
  - Pin [stylelint-config-prettier]( to `8.0.2`
  - Pin [stylelint-prettier]( to `1.2.0`
  - Pin [stylelint-scss]( to `3.21.0`
  - Pin [webpack]( to `4.46.0`


<summary>chore(deps): update dependency @&#8203;percy/cli to v1.0.0-beta.70</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/percy-cli-1.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [@percy/cli]( to `1.0.0-beta.70`


<summary>chore(deps): update dependency @&#8203;percy/dom to v1.0.0-beta.70</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/percy-dom-1.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [@percy/dom]( to `1.0.0-beta.70`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency autoprefixer to v9.8.8</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/autoprefixer-9.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [autoprefixer]( to `9.8.8`


<summary>chore(deps): update carbon-design-system/action-ibmcloud-cf action to v1.3.0</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/carbon-design-system-action-ibmcloud-cf-1.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [carbon-design-system/action-ibmcloud-cf]( to `v1.3.0`


<summary>chore(deps): update dependency http-server to v0.13.0</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/http-server-0.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [http-server]( to `0.13.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency @&#8203;actions/core to v1.6.0</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/actions-core-1.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [@actions/core]( to `1.6.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency @&#8203;carbon/icons-react to v10.43.0</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/carbon-icons-react-10.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [@carbon/icons-react]( to `10.43.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency @&#8203;carbon/pictograms-react to v11.20.0</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/carbon-pictograms-react-11.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [@carbon/pictograms-react]( to `11.20.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency carbon-components-react to v7.47.2</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/carbon-components-react-7.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [carbon-components-react]( to `7.47.2`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.25.3</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/eslint-plugin-import-2.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [eslint-plugin-import]( to `2.25.3`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y to v6.5.1</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y-6.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y]( to `6.5.1`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.27.0</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/eslint-plugin-react-7.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [eslint-plugin-react]( to `7.27.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update react monorepo to v16.14.0</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/react-monorepo`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [react]( to `16.14.0`
  - Upgrade [react-dom]( to `16.14.0`


<summary>chore(deps): update actions/setup-node action to v2</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/actions-setup-node-2.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [actions/setup-node]( to `v2`


<summary>chore(deps): update dependency cypress to v9</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/cypress-9.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [cypress]( to `9.0.0`


<summary>chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/eslint-8.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [eslint]( to `^6.0.0 || ^8.0.0`
  - Upgrade [eslint]( to `8.2.0`


<summary>chore(deps): update dependency http-server to v14</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/http-server-14.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [http-server]( to `14.0.0`


<summary>chore(deps): update dependency stylelint to v14</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/stylelint-14.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [stylelint]( to `14.1.0`


<summary>chore(deps): update node.js to v16</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/node-16.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [node]( to `12 || 14 || 16`


<summary>fix(deps): update commitlint monorepo to v14 (major)</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/major-commitlint-monorepo`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [@commitlint/cli]( to `14.1.0`
  - Upgrade [@commitlint/config-conventional]( to `14.1.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency autoprefixer to v10</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/autoprefixer-10.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [autoprefixer]( to `10.4.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency commander to v8</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/commander-8.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [commander]( to `8.3.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency dotenv to v10</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/dotenv-10.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [dotenv]( to `10.0.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency eslint-config-airbnb to v19</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/eslint-config-airbnb-19.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [eslint-config-airbnb]( to `19.0.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency eslint-config-airbnb-base to v15</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/eslint-config-airbnb-base-15.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [eslint-config-airbnb-base]( to `15.0.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v8</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/eslint-config-prettier-8.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [eslint-config-prettier]( to `8.3.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v37</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/eslint-plugin-jsdoc-37.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [eslint-plugin-jsdoc]( to `37.0.3`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-prettier to v4</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/eslint-plugin-prettier-4.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [eslint-plugin-prettier]( to `4.0.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency fast-sass-loader to v2</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/fast-sass-loader-2.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [fast-sass-loader]( to `2.0.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency husky to v7</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/husky-7.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [husky]( to `7.0.4`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v12</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/lint-staged-12.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [lint-staged]( to `12.0.2`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency lit-element to v3</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/lit-element-3.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [lit-element]( to `3.0.2`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency lit-html to v2</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/lit-html-2.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [lit-html]( to `2.0.2`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency node-sass to v6</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/node-sass-6.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [node-sass]( to `6.0.1`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency rtlcss to v3</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/rtlcss-3.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [rtlcss]( to `3.5.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency sass-loader to v12</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/sass-loader-12.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [sass-loader]( to `12.3.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency stylelint-config-prettier to v9</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/stylelint-config-prettier-9.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [stylelint-config-prettier]( to `9.0.3`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency stylelint-prettier to v2</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/stylelint-prettier-2.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [stylelint-prettier]( to `2.0.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency stylelint-scss to v4</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/stylelint-scss-4.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [stylelint-scss]( to `4.0.0`


<summary>fix(deps): update dependency webpack to v5</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/webpack-5.x`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [webpack]( to `5.64.1`


<summary>fix(deps): update react monorepo (major)</summary>

  - Schedule: ["at any time"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/major-react-monorepo`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Upgrade [eslint-plugin-react-hooks]( to `4.3.0`
  - Upgrade [react]( to `17.0.2`
  - Upgrade [react-dom]( to `17.0.2`


<summary>chore(deps): lock file maintenance</summary>

  - Schedule: ["before 3am on Monday"]
  - Branch name: `renovate/lock-file-maintenance`
  - Merge into: `master`
  - Regenerate lock files to use latest dependency versions


<br />

🚸 Branch creation will be limited to maximum 2 per hour, so it doesn't swamp any CI resources or spam the project. See docs for `prhourlylimit` for details.


❓ Got questions? Check out Renovate's [Docs](, particularly the Getting Started section.
If you need any further assistance then you can also [request help here](


This PR has been generated by [WhiteSource Renovate]( View repository job log [here]({{platform}}/{{repository}}).
  • Loading branch information
renovate[bot] authored Nov 17, 2021
1 parent 605f400 commit 059f4c8
Showing 1 changed file with 6 additions and 0 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions renovate.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"extends": [

0 comments on commit 059f4c8

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