Easily mix asynchronous and synchronous programming styles in node.js.
- Easy-to-follow flow control for both serial and parallel execution
- Complete stack traces, even for exceptions thrown within callbacks
- No boilerplate code for error and exception handling
- Conforms to standard node async API
Fibrous requires node version 0.6.x or greater.
npm install fibrous
Would you rather write this:
var updateUser = function(id, attributes, callback) {
User.findOne(id, function (err, user) {
if (err) return callback(err);
user.save(function(err, updated) {
if (err) return callback(err);
console.log("Updated", updated);
callback(null, updated);
Or this, which behaves identically to calling code:
var updateUser = fibrous(function(id, attributes) {
user = User.sync.findOne(id);
updated = user.sync.save();
console.log("Updated", updated);
return updated;
Or even better, with CoffeeScript:
updateUser = fibrous (id, attributes) ->
user = User.sync.findOne(id)
updated = user.sync.save()
console.log("Updated", updated)
Using standard node callback-style APIs without fibrous, we write (from the fs docs):
fs.readFile('/etc/passwd', function (err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
Using fibrous, we write:
data = fs.sync.readFile('/etc/passwd');
This is the same as writing:
future = fs.future.readFile('/etc/passwd');
data = future.wait();
Or for multiple files read asynchronously:
futures = [
data = fibrous.wait(futures);
console.log(data[0], data[1]);
Note that fs.sync.readFile
is not the same as fs.readFileSync
. The
latter blocks while the former allows the process to continue while
waiting for the file read to complete.
Fibrous uses node-fibers behind the scenes.
and sync
(which uses wait
internally) require that they are called within a fiber. Fibrous
provides two easy ways to do this.
Pass any function to fibrous
and it returns a function that
conforms to standard node async APIs with a callback as the last
argument. The callback expects err
as the first argument and the function
result as the second. Any exception thrown will be passed to the
callback as an error.
var asynFunc = fibrous(function() {
return fs.sync.readFile('/etc/passwd');
is functionally equivalent to:
var asyncFunc = function(callback) {
fs.readFile('/etc/passwd', function(err, data) {
if (err) return callback(err);
callback(null, data);
With coffeescript, the fibrous version is even cleaner:
asyncFunc = fibrous ->
ensures that the passed function is
running in an existing fiber (from higher up the call stack) or will
create a new fiber if one does not already exist.
Fibrous provides connect middleware that ensures that every request runs in a fiber. If you are using express, you'll want to use this middleware.
var express = require('express');
var fibrous = require('fibrous');
var app = express();
app.get('/', function(req, res){
data = fs.sync.readFile('./index.html', 'utf8');
is a utility function that creates a fibrous function then executes it.
Provide a callback to handle any errors and the return value of the passed function (if you need it). If you don't provide a callback and there is an error, run will throw the error which will produce an uncaught exception. That may be okay for quick and dirty work but is probably a bad idea in production code.
fibrous.run(function() {
var data = fs.sync.readFile('/etc/passwd');
return data;
}, function(err, returnValue) {
console.log("Handle both async and sync errors here", err);
Sometimes you need to wait for a callback to happen that does not conform to err, result
format (for example streams). In this case the following pattern works well:
var stream = <your stream>
function wait(callback) {
stream.on('close', function(code) {
callback(null, code);
var code = wait.sync();
In the above examples, if readFile
produces an error, the fibrous versions
(both sync
and wait
) will throw an exception. Additionally, the stack
trace will include the stack of the calling code unlike exceptions
typically thrown from within callback.
Fibrous provides a test helper for jasmine-node
that ensures that beforeEach
, it
, and afterEach
run in a fiber.
Require it in your shared spec_helper
file or in the spec files where
you want to use fibrous.
describe('My Spec', function() {
it('tests something asynchronous', function() {
data = fs.sync.readFile('/etc/password');
If an asynchronous method called through fibrous produces an error, the spec helper will fail the spec.
mocha-fibers provides a fiber wrapper for mocha.
If you write a helper for other testing frameworks, we'd love to include it in the project.
Fibrous makes it much easier to work with asynchronous methods in an interactive console, or REPL.
If you find yourself in an interactive session, you can require fibrous so that
you can use future
> fs = require('fs');
> require('fibrous');
> data = fs.future.readFile('/etc/passwd', 'utf8');
> data.get()
In this example, data.get()
will return the result of the future,
provided you have waited long enough for the future to complete.
(The time it takes to type the next line is almost always long enough.)
You can't use sync
in the above scenario because a fiber has not been created
so you can't call wait
on a future.
Fibrous does provide a bin script that creates a new interactive console where each command
is run in a fiber so you can use sync. If you install fibrous with npm install -g fibrous
or have ./node_modules/.bin
on your path, you can just run:
$ fibrous
Starting fibrous node REPL...
> fs = require('fs');
> data = fs.sync.readFile('/etc/passwd', 'utf8');
> console.log(data);
# User Database
Or for a CoffeeScript REPL:
$ fibrous -c [or --coffee]
Starting fibrous coffee REPL...
coffee> fs = require 'fs'
coffee> data = fs.sync.readFile '/etc/passwd', 'utf8'
coffee> console.log data
# User Database
The first time you call sync
or future
on an object, it builds the sync
and future proxies so if you add a method to the object later, it will
not be proxied.
You might be getting an error in Express that you are not in context of a fiber even after adding fibrous.middleware
to your stack. This can happen if you added it before express.json()
or express.bodyParser()
. Here's an example:
// might not work
// or
// should work
// or
Fibrous uses the Future
implementation from node-fibers.
waits for the future to resolve then returns the result while allowing the process
to continue. fibrous.wait
accepts a single future, multiple future arguments or an array of futures.
It returns the result of the future if passed just one, or an array of
results if passed multiple.
returns the result of the resolved future or throws an
exception if not yet resolved.
Fibrous mixes future
and sync
into Function.prototype
so you can
use them directly as in:
readFile = require('fs').readFile;
data = readFile.sync('/etc/passwd');
Fibrous adds future
and sync
to Object.prototype
correctly so they
are not enumerable.
These proxy methods also ignore all getters, even those that may return functions. If you need to call a getter with fibrous that returns an asynchronous function, you can do:
func = obj.getter
func.future.call(obj, args)
Some people don't like libraries that mix in to Object.prototype and Function.prototype. If that's how you feel, then fibrous is probably not for you. We've been careful to mix in 'right' so that we don't change property enumeration and find that the benefits of having sync and future available without explicitly wrapping objects or functions are worth the philosophical tradeoffs.
git clone git://github.com/goodeggs/fibrous.git
npm install
npm test
Fibrous is written in coffeescript with
source in src/
compiled to lib/
Tests are written with jasmine-node in spec/
Run tests with npm test
which will also compile the coffeescript to
Pull requests are welcome. Please provide tests for your changes and features. Thanks!