Binee is a complete binary emulation environment that focuses on introspection of all IO operations. Primary goals for this project are to provide a flexible environment for determining a binaries side effects on the system.
The goals Binee tries to solve are the following:
- Realistic loading of a PE file and its required dependencies. The userland memory should look as close to a real execution as possible.
- Easy to use hooking framework. We want to create a flexible hooking framework that allows the analyst to rapidly implement new hooks and capture data.
- Mock out as much of the OS internals as reasonably possible. Currently, there are small mocks of the file system, registry, threading and TIB/PEB structures for Windows.
- The OS environment, as much as possible, should be defined in a configuration file. This enables rapid movement from environment to environment.
If you choose to use Binee to emulate portions of Microsoft Windows, you are solely responsible for obtaining any necessary rights and licenses from Microsoft.
Please feel free to submit github issues or if you want to talk with us directly, come join is in slack
If you are running Binee on Microsoft Windows, you can skip the mock file system step.
Most malware will require at least some standard DLLs and these DLLs will need
to be accessible from the mock file system. The default "root" mock file system
is located in os/win10_32/
. In order to allow for the malware to load up DLLs
you will need to copy them into the appropriate location within the mock file
system. Typically, these should be copied into,
. Currently, only 32-bit DLL's pulled from a 32-bit
Windows installation are supported. Once you have the required files in that
directory, you can move onto the compiling and running step.
Build with the following docker command docker build -t binee .
docker run -it -v $PWD:/bineedev/go/src/ binee bash
Download Golang dependencies and build Binee
root@2b0fee41629f:~/go/src/ go build
Note: presence of go.mod file will direct the build utility to collect dependencies upon build, and also allow for the repository to be cloned and developed at any path (regardless of $GOPATH
) directory
At this point you should be able to execute binee within the Docker container and see the usage menu.
root@6a6fe8c2b2a7:~/go/src/ ./binee -h
Usage of ./binee:
-A list all apisets and their mappings
-a string
get the real dll name from an apiset name
-c string
path to configuration file
-d show the dll prfix on all function calls
-e dump pe file's exports table
-i dump a pe file's imports table
-j output data as json
-l call DLLMain while loading DLLs
-r string
root path of mock file system, defaults to ./os/win10_32 (default "os/win10_32/")
-v verbose level 1
verbose level 2
If you are running on Microsoft Windows and/or you have your mock file system
configured properly, you should be able to execute all the PE files within the
root@6a6fe8c2b2a7:~/go/src/ go build && ./binee tests/ConsoleApplication1_x86.exe
[1] 0x2190c0b0: F GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(lpSystemTimeAsFileTime = 0xb7feffe0) = 0xb7feffe0
[1] 0x21905b40: P GetCurrentThreadId() = 0x0
[1] 0x219138d0: P GetCurrentProcessId() = 0x2001
[1] 0x2011ef30: P GetCurrentProcessId() = 0x2001
[1] 0x21905b50: F QueryPerformanceCounter(lpPerformanceCount = 0xb7feffd8) = 0x1
[1] 0x2190c500: F IsProcessorFeaturePresent(ProcessorFeature = 0xa) = 0x1
[1] 0x213af570: F _initterm_e(PVFV = 0x4020d8, PVFV = 0x4020e4) = 0x0
[1] 0x213af970: F _initterm(PVPV = 0x4020cc, PVPV = 0x4020d4) = 0x0
[1] 0x213be980: F __p___argv() = 0x7ffe0004
[1] 0x213b96f0: F __p___argc() = 0x7ffe0000
[1] 0x213bec50: F _get_initial_narrow_environment() = 0x7ffe0000
[1] 0x213ac0a0: P __acrt_iob_func() = 0x5dda9c68
[1] 0x213bb710: F __stdio_common_vfprintf(stream = 0x0, format = 'GENERIC_READ = 0x%llx\n', p0 = 0x80000000) = 0x403380
[1] 0x213ac0a0: P __acrt_iob_func() = 0x403380
[1] 0x213bb710: F __stdio_common_vfprintf(stream = 0x0, format = 'GENERIC_WRITE = 0x%llx\n', p0 = 0x40000000) = 0x403380
[1] 0x213ac0a0: P __acrt_iob_func() = 0x403380
[1] 0x213bb710: F __stdio_common_vfprintf(stream = 0x0, format = 'INVALID_HANDLE = 0x%llx\n', p0 = 0xffffffff) = 0x403380
[1] 0x213ac0a0: P __acrt_iob_func() = 0x0
[1] 0x213bb710: F __stdio_common_vfprintf(stream = 0x0, format = 'CREATE_ALWAYS = 0x%x\n', p0 = 0x2) = 0x403380
[1] 0x213ac0a0: P __acrt_iob_func() = 0x403380
[1] 0x213bb710: F __stdio_common_vfprintf(stream = 0x0, format = 'FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 0x%x\n', p0 = 0x80) = 0x403380
[1] 0x213ac0a0: P __acrt_iob_func() = 0x403380
[1] 0x213bb710: F __stdio_common_vfprintf(stream = 0x0, format = 'ERROR_SUCCESS = 0x%x\n', p0 = 0x0) = 0x403380
[1] 0x21913b80: F CreateFileA(lpFileName = 'malfile.exe', dwDesiredAccess = 0xc0000000, dwShareMode = 0x0, lpSecurityAttributes = 0x0, dwCreationDisposition = 0x2, dwFlagsAndAttributes = 0x80, hTemplateFile = 0x0) = 0xa00007b6
[1] 0x2196bfbe: F VerSetConditionMask() = 0xa00007b6
[1] 0x213ac0a0: P __acrt_iob_func() = 0xa00007b6
[1] 0x213bb710: F __stdio_common_vfprintf(stream = 0x0, format = 'out = 0x%x\n', p0 = 0xa00007b6) = 0x403380
[1] 0x2196bfbe: F VerSetConditionMask() = 0x403380
[1] 0x213ac0a0: P __acrt_iob_func() = 0x403380
[1] 0x213bb710: F __stdio_common_vfprintf(stream = 0x0, format = 'out = 0x%x\n', p0 = 0x403380) = 0x403380
[1] 0x2196bfbe: F VerSetConditionMask() = 0x403380
[1] 0x213ac0a0: P __acrt_iob_func() = 0x403380
[1] 0x213bb710: F __stdio_common_vfprintf(stream = 0x0, format = 'out = 0x%x\n', p0 = 0x403380) = 0x403380
[1] 0x21bc0780: P memset(dest = 0xb7feff1c, char = 0x0, count = 0x58) = 0xb7feff1c
[1] 0x21914000: F WriteFile(hFile = 0xa00007b6, lpBuffer = 0xb7feff10, nNumberOfBytesToWrite = 0xb, lpNumberOfBytesWritten = 0xb7feff0c, lpOverlapped = 0x0) = 0xb
[1] 0x2190c500: F IsProcessorFeaturePresent(ProcessorFeature = 0x17) = 0x1
[1] 0x2190fef0: F SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(lpTopLevelExceptionFilter = 0x0) = 0x4
[1] 0x21927950: F UnhandledExceptionFilter(ExceptionInfo = 0x402100) = 0x1
[1] 0x219138c0: P GetCurrentProcess() = 0x1
[1] 0x20122cb0: P GetCurrentProcess() = 0x1
[1] 0x21910690: F TerminateProcess(hProcess = 0xffffffff, uExitCode = 0xc0000409) = 0xffffffff
1-Install MSYS64/32 :
2-update the system packages :
$ pacman --needed -Sy bash pacman pacman-mirrors msys2-runtime
-restart MSYS then update everything else :
$ pacman -Su
To compile for Windows 32-bit, run:
$ pacman -S python2
$ pacman -S make
$ pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-toolchain
To compile for Windows 64-bit, run:
$ pacman -S python2
$ pacman -S make
$ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
-install Go :
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-go
3-restart MSYS again ; then clone into unicorn and install it:
git clone
cd unicorn
./ install
4-Clone Binee and Build
cd binee
go build