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Phoenix application generator that builds applications with the common C5 customization stuff already done.

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Phoenix application generator that builds a new project skeleton configured with Carbon Five preferences and best practices baked right in. Spend less time configuring and more building cool features.

Razor generates Phoenix projects by cloning a prototype app and massaging it gently into shape.

What's in the box?

  • Phoenix
  • Postgrex
  • Slim
  • Wallaby
  • ExMachina
  • Yarn
  • Sass
  • Bootstrap
  • additional acceptance environment
  • CI testing via CircleCI
  • .iex.exs for REPL aliases & imports
  • ready for deployment to Heroku Pipelines in acceptance and prod environments.

Inspired by Carbon Five Raygun

Before You Start

You'll need these dependencies for Razor & your new Phoenix app:

  • Erlang
  • Elixir 1.6
  • Postgres
  • Yarn for JavaScript dependencies, installed and available on your path.
  • Phantomjs for feature tests, installed and available on your path.

Note for asdf users - both Razor & the generated app have a .tool-versions file to help you get the right versions of things. You can change these - for example, erlang 19.3 is probably fine, but currently has installation problems on Macs.

Installing & running

  • mix escript.install
  • Add the escript dir to your path or create a symlink, i.e. ln -s /path/to/razor /usr/local/bin/
  • Cut your app with razor new YourAppName
  • Or, if you want to install to a directory named differently from the app,
  • razor new YourAppName your_target_dir

Build your new project

  1. cd your_new_project_dir
  2. mix deps.get - install dependencies
  3. mix ecto.setup - setup your local database
  4. Prep js - cd assets; yarn install; ./node_modules/.bin/brunch build
  5. Verify the test suite passes with mix test
  6. Generate a secret key base with mix phx.gen.secret. You'll use this in the next step when you run your server.
  7. Run your server with MIX_ENV=dev SECRET_KEY_BASE= mix phx.server. Use the key you just generated as the value for SECRET_KEY_BASE.
  8. That's it! Visit your fully-featured app at

Windows users - your executable may be razor.bat instead of razor

Configure your development environment (optional)

Rather than inlining the environment variables while running the server in development, we recommend using a tool that works with Procfile / .env configs. Heroku Local and Foreman are both good options.

A simple Procfile is provided for you. Create a .env file in your project directory with these environment variables:


You can now run your server using the tool of choice, i.e. heroku local.

As a convenience, a weak SECRET_KEY_BASE is hard-coded in the test environment. You can easily change this to read an env var a la the other environments instead if needed.


Your app is pre-configured for easy deployment to Heroku w/ pipelines using CircleCI. CI is only used to run tests; your pipelines should be configured to auto-deploy branches after passing CI tests.

Convention is to auto-deploy master branch to acceptance, and production branch to production.

  • Create Heroku apps for acceptance and production
  • Provision Heroku Postgres DB resources
  • Add buildpacks to Heroku apps
    • heroku buildpacks:add --app your-heroku-app-name
    • heroku buildpacks:add --app your-heroku-app-name
  • Add environment variables to Heroku
    • SECRET_KEY_BASE, which can be generated with the task mix phx.gen.secret
    • MIX_ENV should be prod
    • HOSTNAME, should be the hostname of the deployed site (e.g. on production environments, or for acceptance environments)
    • POOL_SIZE should be set 2 units below the max db connections allowed by the Heroku instance. This allows mix tasks to be run with 2 connections.
    • DATABASE_URL should have been filled automatically by provisioning heroku postgres.


  • mix credo --strict

Internal Mechanics

Razor fetches the latest tag from the carbonfive/razor-phoenix repo, unless it already has it cached in ~/.razor, extracts the contents of the tarball, and runs a series of search-and-replaces on the code to customize it accordingly.

This approach is fast, simple, and makes razor development very easy. Make changes to the application prototype (which is a valid phoenix app) and tag them when they should be used for new applications.

Contributing to Razor

  • Clone/fork Razor, make your changes & add tests
  • Bump the project version # in mix.exs
  • mix compile; mix build_releases
  • Submit a PR


Phoenix application generator that builds applications with the common C5 customization stuff already done.






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