1.0.0 (2022-09-25)
button: add pre and post component, onClick handler for the stake address and an option to hide the action menu
use observable pattern to share a global state between all useCardano hooks
custom styles now working due to replacing jss by styled components
add hooks, refactoring and add new component
use storybook for testing and developing
use cip8 and cip30 for login and signing
add custom actions for the connect button (9bf63c8 )
add disconnect and connect state to the useCardano hook (1cee38d )
add hooks, refactoring and add new component (e44cf81 )
add mobile support to list component (c3896d6 )
add mobile wallet support for flint (377e02e )
add more props for filtering the supported wallets and only display the installed wallets (5d54dd5 )
add onDisconnect callback (5a704b1 )
allow to pass other classNames (363c2db )
button: add pre and post component, onClick handler for the stake address and an option to hide the action menu (16fdc19 )
hook: add getAvailableWallets function (7b7e216 )
hook: may filter wallet list and return capitalized wallet name (5b44f75 )
use cip8 and cip30 for login and signing (da6cfea )
use observable pattern to share a global state between all useCardano hooks (b1c2139 )
use storybook for testing and developing (8fbeb9d )
use styles prop to allow a style override for the components (0e76bd6 )
useCardano reacts to changes in local storage (e.g. disconnect call from other components etc.) (2a81d45 )
Bug Fixes
add a component folder to fix the export paths (be6f0a9 )
add key to custom actions (3324952 )
check if cardano is part of the window object (1e0d54f )
custom styles now working due to replacing jss by styled components (863c7f7 )
export of list component (ef04f58 )
getInstalledWalletExtensions undefined check (f5add20 )
mix primary color with white instead of using an alpha value (06d9f8a )
remove typhonjs and replaced it with bech32 to prevent webpack 5 issues (1936ece )
solve css issues (d2c45c1 )
use @stricahq/typhonjs for address decoding due to memory issues in the serialization-lib (d715e36 )
use buffer package since built-in Buffer is not available in every environment (1ed77aa )
use dispatch event to trigger the event storage listener (010690e )
variable button hover color (e921ac4 )
wallet connect bug on reconnect because of a wrong internal state (92447b9 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.