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How to register your owner metadata

Cardano Foundation Team edited this page Dec 19, 2019 · 1 revision


Step 1: Clone and fork the repository

$ git clone
$ cd incentivized-testnet-stakepool-registry
$ git remote add submission<your-github-username>/incentivized-testnet-stakepool-registry

Step 2: Create a public/private key pair or use an existing one

⚠️ If you want to be able to monitor your rewards inside Daedalus or Yoroi ⚠️

Make sure to derive your owner public key from your mnemonic sentence using cardano-wallet as described in , Option A.

Step 3: Create a minimal JSON file

  "owner": "ed25519_pk1qppzz38el9zxtgaw0ttmf6d6zytllfu3fnwcl5tlc3pp044artxqru55mx",
  "name": "My Stake Pool",
  "ticker": "ADA1",
  "homepage": "",
  "pledge_address": "addr1s0nyt67uwcg7dahrxug698h5xfasnyd5qhnsd0h0peqlqvtfqf48ymz680l"

💡 You can check that your JSON is valid by using the JSON-schema above and your metadata file in a tool like

❓ The pledge_address can be any valid address you own. However, we recommend using the account address corresponding to your Daedalus or Yoroi assigned reward account. This account may also be used to fund your registration certificate for your stake pool.

Step 4: Sign it using your owner private key

$ jcli key sign \
    --secret-key owner.prv \
    --output ed25519_pk1qppzz38el9zxtgaw0ttmf6d6zytllfu3fnwcl5tlc3pp044artxqru55mx.sig \

Step 5: Create a commit for the submission

$ git add ed25519_pk1qppzz38el9zxtgaw0ttmf6d6zytllfu3fnwcl5tlc3pp044artxqru55mx.{json,sig}
$ git commit -m "ADA1"
$ git push submission HEAD

Step 6: Make a pull request 🎉!