Data from LIGO-Virgo gravitational wave detections, built from Gravitational Wave Open Science Centre and GraceDB. For usage see
- all data (JSON) (includes parameter definitions and referece links)
- all data (JSON, minified)) (includes parameter definitions and reference links)
- data values only (JSON))
- Data parameters only (JSON))
- References/links only (JSON))
- data values (CSV)
- Data parameters (CSV)
- References/Links (CSV)
- Location:\<filename>
- Filename formats for <event> (e.g. GW150914, S190510g etc.):
- Mollweide: data/png/<event>_moll.png
- (e.g. data/png/S191105e_moll.png)
- Mollweide (rotated to centre on peak location): data/png/<event>_moll_rot.png
- Cartesian fullsky: data/png/<event>_cart.png
- (e.g. data/png/S191105e_cart.png)
- Cartesian fullsky (rotated to centre on peak location): data/png/<event>_cart_rot.png
- Cartesian zoomed onto peak location: data/png/<event>_cartzoom.png
- Mollweide: data/png/<event>_moll.png
- "Pretty" versions of images (NB these are under development, and may change style)
- Mollweide (white background): data/png/<event>_moll_pretty.png
- Mollweide (black background): data/png/<event>_moll_pretty_black.png
- Cartesian zoomed on peak location (no border): data/png/<event>_cartzoom_pretty.png
- Thumnail of all images have .thumb.png extension
- All images are in Equatorial (J2000) coordinates.
- Galactic:\<event>_8192.png
- Equatorial (J2000):\<event>_8192_eq.png
- 8192x4096 px
- grayscale image
- python>=3.6 (it almost certainly works in earlier versions of python3, and it may well work in python 2, possibly with minor changes)
- Contains the submodule gwcatpy, which has the following dependencies:
- LIGO-specific dependencies
- pesummary
- ligo.gracedb
- Other community-developed dependencies:
- astropy
- healpy
- matplotlib
- pandas
- h5py
- astropy_healpix
- numpy
- scipy
- requests
- json
- bs4
- LIGO-specific dependencies