Python library to access and update data from LIGO-Virgo gravitational wave detections, built from Gravitational Wave Open Science Centre and GraceDB. For usage see
For output see For javascript interaction with the data see
##Usage (python)
Make sure the directory containing the gwcatpy module is in your path. For example, if that is the current directory then the following should work
import sys
import gwcatpy
Download the data from
GC = gwcatpy.GWCat(filein=<path-to-json-data-file>)
This will make a data directory (if it doesn't already exist), and a status.json
file (if that doesn't exist).
GC = gwcatpy.GWCat(filein=<path-to-json-data-file>)
: dictionary object containing event data, indexed by event name -
: dictionary object containing links, indexed by event name -
: dictionary object containing parameters, indexed by parameter name -
: pandas Dataframe object containing event data -
: pandas Dataframe object containing event links -
: pandas Dataframe object containing parameter data
GC.exportJson(fileout,[dir='', verbose=False])
- fileout = [string] filename of data file (containing data, parameters and links)
- dir = [string, optional] directory to export data to (default=current directory)
- verbose = [boolean, optional] set to print messages
GC.exportCSV(datafileout,[dictfileout=None, linksfileout=None, dir='', verbose=False, clearcols=True])
- datafileout = [string] filename of data file
- dir = [string, optional] directory to export data to (default=current directory)
- dictfileout = [string, optional] filename to export parameters to(if not present, no parameters output)
- linksfileout = [string, optional] filename of links to (if not present, no links output)
- verbose = [boolean, optional] set to print messages
- clearcols = [boolean, optional] set to clear empty rows if present
GC.exportExcel(fileout, [dir='', verbose=False])
- fileout = [string] filename of data file (containing data, parameters and links in separate sheets)
- dir = [string, optional] directory to export data to (default=current directory)
- verbose = [boolean, optional] set to print messages
- all data (JSON) (includes parameter definitions and referece links)
- all data (JSON, minified)) (includes parameter definitions and reference links)
- data values (CSV)
- Data parameters (CSV)
- References/links (CSV)
- Location:\<filename>
- Filename formats for <event> (e.g. GW150914, S190510g etc.):
- Mollweide: data/png/<event>_moll.png
- (e.g. data/png/S191105e_moll.png)
- Mollweide (rotated to centre on peak location): data/png/<event>_moll_rot.png
- Cartesian fullsky: data/png/<event>_cart.png
- Cartesian fullsky (rotated to centre on peak location): data/png/<event>_cart_rot.png
- Cartesian zoomed onto peak location: data/png/<event>_cartzoom.png
- Mollweide: data/png/<event>_moll.png
- Location:\<event>_8192.png
- 8192x4096 px
- grayscale image
- python>=3.6 (it almost certainly works in earlier versions of python3, and it may well work in python 2, possibly with minor changes)
- Contains the submodule gwcatpy, which has the following dependencies:
- LIGO-specific dependencies
- pesummary
- ligo.gracedb
- Other community-developed dependencies:
- astropy
- healpy
- matplotlib
- pandas
- h5py
- astropy_healpix
- numpy
- scipy
- requests
- json
- bs4
- gwcatpy.gwosc.getGWTC
- Download JSON catalogue from from GWOSC
- Access individual JSON files for each event
- gracedb.getSuperevents
- Download superevents list
- Access individual event records
- Check version/date and redownload if necessary
- Download superevents list
See for example script. Status is saved in data/status.json (note that data/ is not included in this repo)
- importGWTC:
- Convert parameters to gwcat format
- mostly parameter names from parameters > gwtc2_pe_
- FAR and SNR from parameters > gwtc2_gstlal_allsky_
- Add links for open-data, sky-map etc.
- Convert parameters to gwcat format
- importGraceDB:
- Convert parameters to gwcat format
- Add links for open-data, sky-map etc.
- Download skymap fits file
- matchGraceDB:
- identify GraceDB entries that already have confirmed detection entry
- removeCandidates:
- remove GraceDB entries that have confirmed detection
- addRefs:
- add references to sky-maps manually for GWTC1 (not included in GWOSC machine-readable data)
- updateH5:
- dowload HDF (.hdf/.h5) files for GWOSC data
- may need extracting from tarball, along with skymap
- get parameters from PublicationSamples approximant and update database values
- dowload HDF (.hdf/.h5) files for GWOSC data
- setPrecision:
- reduce precision of stored data
- updateMaps:
- download maps that aren't already downloaded
- Calculate 90% sky area
- plotMapPngs:
- make range of PNG maps for skymaps
- makeGravoscopeTiles:
- make tilesets for Gravoscope
- makeWaveforms:
- make illustrative waveforms
- exportJson:
- export to JSON (data/gwosc_gracedb.json)
- exportCSV:
- export to CSV files
- Data values in data/gwosc_gracedb.csv
- Parameters in data/parameters.csv
- Links in data/gwosc_gracedb_links.csv
- export to CSV files
The data can also be exported to jsonp format, which seems to more nicely with CORS.
The data array contains an object for each event. Each event has a set of parameters (M1, M2, Mchirp, UTC, etc.), within which is an object containing the relevant values. = [ { "Event1 Parameter1": { "Event1 Parameter1 Value1": string/number/array }, "Event1 Parameter2": { "Event1 Parameter2 Value1": string/array/value "Event1 Parameter2 Value2": string/array/value },... }, { "Event2 Parameter1":{ "Event2 Parameter1 Value1": string/number/array },... },... ]
The parameters are those recorded for each event. Note that not all are present for each event.
- name: Event name (e.g. GW150914)
- UTC: UTC time of detection (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)
- GPS: GPS time of detection
- M1: Primary mass (Msun)
- M2: Secondary mass (Msun)
- Mchirp: Chirp mass (Msun)
- Mtotal: Total mass (Msun)
- Mfinal: Final mass (Msun)
- Mratio: Mass ratio
- chi: Effective inspiral spin
- af: Final spin
- DL: Luminosity distance (MPc)
- z: Redshift
- lpeak: Peak luminosity (1056 erg s-1)
- Erad: Radiated energy (Msun c2)
- FAR: False alarm rate (yr-1)
- deltaOmega: Sky localization area (deg2)
- rho: Signal-to-noise ratio
The values can be any of:
- best: exact of best-fit value of parameter. Can be string (e.g. name, UTC), or number (e.g. masses, spins, GPS).
- lower: a (numerical) lower limit on the parameter.
- upper: a (numerical) upper limit on the parameter.
- lim: a two-element array (of numberse) containing the range of plausible values (where applicable), in order [min, max]. Used where a best-fit value and corresponding error isn't appropriate.
- err: a two-element array (of numberse) containing the errors on the "best" value (where applicable), in order [upper, lower]. Only accompanies a "best" value.
For each event, links are stored as a list, with each entry being an object with various parameters
gwcat.links = { "Event1":[ { "Parameter1": value "Parameter2": value }, { "Parameter1": value "Parameter2": value },... ], "Event2":[ { "Parameter1": value "Parameter2": value }, { "Parameter1": value "Parameter2": value },... ],... }
Parameters are:
- url: url to link
- text: description of link
- type: type of link (designed to be machine-readable)
- filetype: type of file (for distinduishing between h5 and tar files)