GeckoTerminal Py is a Python client for the GeckoTerminal. It provides a user-friendly way to fetch network and pool data asynchronously or synchronously.
To install GeckoTerminal Py, use pip:
pip install geckoterminal-py
You can fetch data about networks using GeckoTerminal Py in two ways:
from geckoterminal_py import GeckoTerminalAsyncClient
import asyncio
async def main():
client = GeckoTerminalAsyncClient()
networks_df = await client.get_networks()
await client.close()
# In an asyncio environment, you'd use:
from geckoterminal_py import GeckoTerminalSyncClient
def main():
client = GeckoTerminalSyncClient()
networks_df = client.get_networks()
Here is a brief description of the methods available in the GeckoTerminalClient: Please check the examples notebook where you can find the usage of all of them.
- get_networks():
- get_dexes_by_network(network_id: str):
- get_top_pools_by_network(network_id: str):
- get_top_pools_by_network_dex(network_id: str, dex_id: str):
- get_top_pools_by_network_token(network_id: str, token_id: str):
- get_new_pools_by_network(network_id: str):
- get_new_pools_all_networks():
- get_ohlcv(network_id: str, pool_address: str, timeframe: str, before_timestamp: int = None, currency: str = "usd", token: str = "base", limit: int = 1000):
Endpoints to add:
- /simple/networks/{network}/token_price/{addresses}
- /search/pools
- / rest of tokens list