You can now find me at Codeberg instead. Also, all the code is in there, so... Check them out!
GitHub has convinced Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) developers that GitHub is the best (and even the only) place for FOSS development. However, as a proprietary, trade-secret tool, GitHub itself is the very opposite of FOSS. By contrast, Git was designed specifically to replace a proprietary tool (BitKeeper), and to make FOSS development distributed — using FOSS tools and without a centralized site. GitHub has warped Git — creating add-on features that turn a distributed, egalitarian, and FOSS system into a centralized, proprietary site.
Any use of this project's code by GitHub Copilot, past or present, is done without my permission. I do not consent to GitHub's use these projects and repositories code and anything else in Copilot.