A JavaScript app to visualize map data with filtering tools
- jQuery: the basics
- Leaflet: the map library
- Leaflet.markerclusterer: the map library marker clusterer
- Underscore.js: the utility-belt
- Moment.js: the date format library
- Chosen: the form input prettifier
- Custom tiled map. Default is Toner, by Stamen
- Custom marker icons using default Leaflet marker API (only supporting random association for now, data association to come)
- Customizable data filtering inputs. Input types are displayed using Chosen and available types are:
- Text
- Select
- Multiple select
- Underscore.js templates for data information on:
- Marker bubbles
- Data listing
- Single item page
- Custom date format using Moment.js options including
View examples. Docs are on the way.