Data Analyst
Knowledge: Data exploration, data cleaning and preprocessing, visualization, machine learning, deep learning, statistical methodologies, predictive modeling, and natural language processing
- Predictive Modeling - predicting customer churn for a bank using logistic regression and decision trees
- Time Series Analysis - Time series analysis of COVID-19 deaths and predicting deaths using RNN
- Natural Language Processing - building a word cloud classification model that classifies reviews as positive or negative
- Image Classification - art classification model using CNN that identifies the artwork by the artist
- Recommendation Engine - Book recommendation system
- Data Visualization - Milwaukee property sales dashboard
- Clustering - Uber pickup data by 8 clusters grouped by date and time
- Association Rules - market basket analysis of grocery store sales
- Data Cleaning - data cleaning of housing data and predictive analysis of sale price
- Exploratory Data Analysis - data exploration of Vegas hotels, heart disease, and California housing