Source code for
This site was built using MkDocs, a static site generator, and Material for MkDocs, a technical documentation theme for MkDocs.
To propose a feature, content addition, or UI/UX improvement, open an issue or pull request on this repository. To edit site content, see instructions below.
The GTFS Documentation Platform is based on open source content pulled from various repositories. To propose edits to content, make an issue or pull request in the respective source-of-truth repository found in the table below.
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Ensure you have an up-to-date version of pip:
pip install pip
- Have
installed:pip install ~/mobilitydata/
- In the terminal, navigate to the repository directory (
) and run this command to update the content for the specification references and best practices:bash scripts/
- To run the site locally:
mkdocs serve
- To deploy the site to GitHub Pages:
mkdocs gh-deploy
If a source of truth is specified, the site content is pulled, cleaned programatically, and given a directory destination in the repository. If a source of truth is unspecified, the content lives in this repository. The site structure is manually built in mkdocs.yml
under nav:
Except as otherwise noted, the content of this site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.