cxkes XUIDGrabber as a POST request <-- outdated method, soon you will need to use a openxbl api
grabber.js <GamertagToConvert> (--detailed)
(the first time it will require a reload)
For example:
app.js Carlop3333
returns 2535449879825318
(Detailed returns a lot of information, like account tier, gamerscore, and other things)
Example (using app.js Carlop3333 --detailed
name: Carlop3333
xuid-dec: 2535449879825318
xuid-hex: 000901FA6D6ECBA6
real-name: not-shared
gamerscore: 2,095
account-tier: Silver
followers: 27
following: 43
- The detailed grabber can break if the user has a public name.
npm is still not supported at the moment
const grabber = require('./grabber.js')
It does have only a function (getXUID(gamertag)
) that in fact returns a map (if the tokens are available)
Disclaimer: This app can break in any moment (if the website changes), so feel free to fork it if you want.