Revision 1.5.2
A third party credit card gateway integration that works with Sage Pay South Africa's Pay Now product.
Download the files from here:
Copy the following two files from the archive:
- /modules/gateways/paynow.php
- /modules/gateways/callback/paynow.php
- /WHMCS_Installation/modules/gateways/paynow.php
- /WHMCS_Installation/modules/gateways/callback/paynow.php
- Sage Pay Now login credentials
- Sage Pay Now Service Key
- WHMCS login credentials
A. Pay Now Gateway Server Configuration Steps
- Log into your Pay Now Gateway Server configuration page
- Choose the following for both your accept and decline URLs: http://whmcs_installation/modules/gateways/callback/paynow.php
B. WHMCS Steps:
- Go into WHMCS as admin
- Click Setup / Payments / Payment Gateways
- Activate the Module 'Pay Now'
- Type an appropriate display name such as 'MasterCard/Visa'
- Enter your Pay Now 'Service Key'
- Click 'Support Budget Period' to allow the use of the credit card budget facility. (Default: No)
- Click 'Send Email' to have the Pay Now gateway send e-mail (Default: No)
- Make a note of the URL to use in your Sage Pay Now account for the Accept and Decline URLs
- Click 'Save Changes'
You are now ready to transact.
Remember to turn off "Make test mode active:" when you are ready to go live in the Pay Now Gateway Server Configuration.
Here is a screenshot of what the WHMCS settings screen for the Sage Pay Now configuration:
There is a demo site if you want to see WHMCS and the Sage Pay Now gateway in action:
- 23 March 2015/1.5.2: Removed API user requirement. Added setup guidance.
- 21 March 2015/1.5.1: Fixed the addInvoicePayment() arguments.
- 20 March 2015/1.5.0: Implemented callback verification for security. WHMCSfied the code.
- 20 March 2015/1.0.3: Fixed RegEx for invoiceid.
- 18 February 2015/1.0.2: Added WHMCS Admin User Name step to readme and correct file names
- 11 May 2014/1.0.1: Added screenshot to readme, added to documentation
- 05 Mar 2014/1.0.0: Added information on Pay Now server side configuration
- 05 Mar 2014/1.0.0: First version
- You can assign default WHMCS payment methods per Product Group.
- Remember to take your WHMCS Gateway Server Configuration out of test mode
WHMCS has a detailed and easy to use payment gateway integration guide:
We welcome your feedback.
If you have any comments or questions please contact Sage Pay South Africa or log the issue on GitHub.