This repository implements pruning mechanisms for generic RBM and DBM models as discussed in our article [1]. The base repository was extended with a pruning functionality which results in the removal of weights and units. Specifically, we use a local estimate of Fisher Information (FI) [2] to identify irrelevant parameters, remove them, and thereby model neurodevelopmental pruning [3].
- k-step Contrastive Divergence;
- whether to sample or use probabilities for visible and hidden units;
- variable learning rate, momentum and number of Gibbs steps per weight update;
- regularization: L2 weight decay, dropout, sparsity targets;
- different types of stochastic layers and RBMs: implement new type of stochastic units or create new RBM from existing types of units;
- predefined stochastic layers: Bernoulli, Multinomial, Gaussian;
- predefined RBMs: Bernoulli-Bernoulli, Bernoulli-Multinomial, Gaussian-Bernoulli;
- initialize weights randomly, from np.ndarray-s or from another RBM;
- can be modified for greedy layer-wise pretraining of DBM (see notes or [4] for details);
- visualizations in Tensorboard.
- EM-like learning algorithm based on PCD and mean-field variational inference [4];
- arbitrary number of layers of any types;
- initialize from greedy layer-wise pretrained RBMs (no random initialization for now);
- whether to sample or use probabilities for visible and hidden units;
- variable learning rate, momentum and number of Gibbs steps per weight update;
- regularization: L2 weight decay, maxnorm, sparsity targets;
- estimate partition function using Annealed Importance Sampling [4];
- estimate variational lower-bound (ELBO) using logẐ (currently only for 2-layer binary BM);
- generate samples after training; initialize negative particles (visible and hidden in all layers) from data;
- DBM class can be used also for training RBM and its features: more powerful learning algorithm, estimating logẐ and ELBO, generating samples after training;
- computation of the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM), its eigenvectors and its diagonal to estimate parameter importance
- iterative pruning of low-magnitude or low-importance weights based on an element-wise multiplication of the weight matrices with Boolean masks
- pruning criteria:
- locally estimated parameter-wise FI (diagonal of the FIM, variance and heuristic estimate)
- parameter-wise FI (first eigenvector of the FIM; for RBMs only)
- anti-FI (removal of most important weights according to FIM diagonal)
- weight magnitude
- random
- removal of disconnected hidden units
- receptive fields (symmetric filters of (k,k), stride (1,1), no zero-padding)
- python ~= 3.6
- packages listed in requirements.txt
git clone --recursive
git sumbodule init
git submodule update
cd PruningBMs
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you want to install tensorflow without GPU support, replace corresponding line in requirements.txt. If you have already tensorflow installed, comment that line.
After cloning the repository, get CIFAR-10 and MNIST training data:
cd PruningBMs/data
Navigate to experiment scripts:
cd pruning
To run the experiments on RBMs trained on CIFAR with pruning criterion = locally estimated FI:
python FI_DIAG
Check positional arguments for custom experiments with
python -h
For experiments on MNIST, first run
Then run one of the pruning experiments, e.g. pruning based on weight magnitude (iteratively remove 10% of lowest absolute weights):
Again, check positional arguments for custom experiments with the -h flag. Caution: the default number of pruning sessions is set to 10 for experiments with DBMs trained on MNIST. The whole experiment may run several days.
[1] C. Scholl, M.E. Rule and M.H. Hennig. The Information Theory of Developmental Pruning: Optimizing Global Network Architecture Using Local Synaptic Rules. see article
[2] M.E. Rule, M. Sorbaro and M.H. Hennig. Optimal Encoding in Stochastic Latent-Variable Models. In: Entropy, 2020. see article
[3] G.M. Innocenti and D.J. Price. Exuberance in the development of cortical networks. In: Nature Reviews Neuroscience, pages 955-965, 2005. see article
[4] R. Salakhutdinov and G. Hinton. Deep boltzmann machines. In: Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, pages 448–455, 2009. see article