chello is a small command line tool which can interact with services which expose it's api via hello. a sample service to toy around with is hello_pingpong.
$> chello <Method> [<arg1>, ... <argN>]
the argument can be given in this forms:
key-value pairs like key1=val1 key2=val2 yield a JSON-object {"key1": "val1", "key2": "val2"}. if a value can be parsed as a float, it will be encoded as a JSON-number.
a string starting with a '{' yields a JSON-object. example:
'{"key": "value"}'
a list of strings yields a JSON-array of strings
- a golang compiler
- libzmq-dev (something that satisfies
pkg-config --libs libzmq
if make is installed, you might just:
$> make
$> go get -v