fmx is a golang http router. mainly for rest api service development. it's much like gin framework, but fmx has better compatibility with http.Handler.
- can serve static files, json string, plain string.
- middleware-style http handlers . easy to scale.
- detailed http log, easy to debug.
- support per-request level custome KV data, which can pass through middlers.
pull the codes. and check examples for detail. have fun !
more examples see
package main
import (
func main() {
router := fmx.NewServeMux()
router.Use() //fmx.SimpleLogger()
router.GET("/api/profile", fmx.FullLogger(), GetProfile) //get json response
router.GET("/api/export", ExportFile) //export file (web browser will download this file)
router.POST("/api/profile", PostProfile) //client post json data to server
router.POST("/api/avatar", PostImage) //post image to server through form data
router.ServeDir("/", filepath.Join(getAppDir(), "www")) //server your static web pages
fmt.Println("server start ...")
fmt.Println("open your browser and navigate to:")
err := http.ListenAndServe("", fmx.PanicHandler(router, func(s string) {
fmt.Println("panic:", s)
if err != nil {
func getAppDir() string {
file, _ := exec.LookPath(os.Args[0])
apppath, _ := filepath.Abs(file)
dir := filepath.Dir(apppath)
return dir