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A service to facilitate data uploads to through their w3up service.


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Carrot is a web3 protocol trying to make incentivization easier and more capital efficient.

License: GPL v3

Carrot data manager

This service is responsible for managing data in the Carrot protocol, which primarily falls into two categories at the time of writing:

  1. Templates: Represent Carrot templates, including Webpack federated React components, CSS, and a base.json metadata file.
  2. Generic specifications: Comprise JSON files providing information about various entities, such as KPI token campaign specifications and DefiLlama oracle specifications.

Data States

Data in Carrot exists in two main states:

  • Limbo: data in limbo doesn't yet need to be persisted but is a potential candidate for persistence. It includes items like Carrot templates with active deployment proposals and specifications for entities that have yet to be created.
  • Persistent: data in the persistent state is data that is referenced by on-chain entities within the Carrot protocol. This data needs to be reliably available at all times and for an extremely long period of time.

On-Chain Data Reference

The on-chain reference mechanism previously mentioned and used to determine if data should be persisted and removed from limbo is based on CIDs following the multiformats CIDv1 specification. A given CID is considered referenced on-chain when it's stored in the blockchain's state by a Carrot protocol etity. At that point the data referenced by that CID needs to be persisted.

Storage Locations

Data in Carrot is mainly stored in two locations:

  • AWS S3 Bucket: this is a solution for hot/warm storage of both limbo and persistent data, served through a CloudFront distributed CDN for quick access. The S3 bucket contains all non-expired limbo data (both raw data and IPFS CAR data) plus all persisted data, and is indexed using CIDs for the data itself.

  • IPFS/Filecoin: here we exclusively store persistent data that needs to be extremely long lived and available in a decentralized way. is utilized for IPFS data uploads and Filecoin persistence operations.

API endpoints

  1. /data/s3/json: this endpoint can be used to store JSON limbo data. The API takes the raw input JSON, encodes it into the IPFS CAR format and determines the raw data CID. Both the raw content and the CAR file are uploaded to the S3 bucket using the CID as the base key (the raw content uses the CID itself as the key, while the CAR is uploaded under $CID-car).

  2. /data/ipfs: this endpoint persists limbo data and replicates it to IPFS/Filecoin. The API accepts a single parameter cid which must refer to some limbo data that the caller wants to persist to IPFS/Filecoin. The API fetches the CAR associated with the passed CID (stored on the S3 bucket under $CID-car) and stores the fetched CAR file on IPFS/Filecoin through's w3up service. The resulting upload CID is checked for consistency and if everything is fine the raw data is also persisted on the S3 bucket while the CAR is deleted from there.

Benefits of this approach

This centralized approach where only this service manages Carrot data has a few extremely important benefits.

Deterministic CIDs

IPFS can store data in different formats, and depending on the picked format, the same starting data can result in different multihashes once uploaded to the network, which in the end results in different CIDs. This is a problem for Carrot because the on-chain CID references are immutable and we need some way to guarantee that the on-chain CIDs reference some real data that is in fact stored on IPFS.

Let's have the following example:

  1. A template author wants to add a template to Carrot to unlock some specific functionality. He builds the template and ends up with the final template's code, which he uploads to IPFS using a pinning service such as Pinata.
  2. The output step from step 1 is the template's code CID, which can be used to create a proposal to add the template to Carrot on-chain. The proposal is created.
  3. After some time, the proposal is approved and the template is added to Carrot on-chain. This results in the template code'S CID being referenced on-chain, which should make the data persistent in Carrot, as explained above.
  4. The IPFS pinner daemon picks up this added reference and makes the template code persistent on IPFS. In order to do that it downloads the template's code from IPFS and uploads it to through a dedicated library. This library follows a different data encoding prodedure, resulting in a different multihash and CID at the end of the process. So at this point the same starting data has been added to IPFS in different ways, resulting in a CID mismatch.
  5. After some time the author unpins from Pinata the template's code.

The end result? The template's code has been put in limbo and then persisted to IPFS in 2 different ways, resulting in 2 different CIDs, and now the limbo data is no more. We end up with a dangling CID: the on-chain reference to the template's code is referencing data the doesn't exist anywhere.

The best solution to avoid this scenario is to handle both limbo data addition and persistent data addition in the same place, and this place is the data-manager service. Adding data to limbo will cause the data-manager service to calculate this data's CID by creating an IPFS CAR containing the data, and returning this CID to the caller. It's then responsibility of the caller to use that CID to reference the limbo data. As long as the caller does that, we have an extremely strong guarantee that when the data will be persisted it will be persisted with the same original CID. This is because the peristence process is performed by storing the CAR file on IPFS/Filecoin, the same CAR file that was originarily used to determine's the data CID.

Performance and decentralization

Through the double S3/IPFS storing mechanism we can guarantee the best properties of both worlds. If a Carrot user doesn't have strong decentralization guarantee he will be able to access all Carrot data from the S3 bucket directly through a distributed CloudFront CDN, as the bucket always contains all limbo data + persisted data. The addition of the CDN also boosts data delivery performance, resulting in a snappier and overall better experience.

For users that want the maximum amount of decentralization and trustlessness it's also possible to access Carrot data directly from IPFS too, as IPFS will have all Carrot's persistent data at all times. In most cases this won't have the same performance of a distributed CloudFrontn CDN though.

This setup is especially powerful (in both decentralization and trustlessness) if coupled with a frontend that allows using a locally hosted IPFS node to access the data.

Tech used

The server is developed in standard JS (ESM) using hapi. The plugins used are:

  • boom: used to easily handle error responses.
  • inert, vision and swagger: used to serve a static OpenAPI documentation of the service.
  • pino: used to handle logging.

Additionally, request validation is performed using joi.

Testing the server

Start by installing the dependencies using pnpm:

pnpm install

Once the dependencies are installed, create a .env file at the root of the repo. For convenience, you can copy and paste the provided .env.example file and rename it to .env.

The env variables are:

  • HOST: the server's host.
  • PORT: the server's port.
  • DB_CONNECTION_STRING: a connection string to a Postgres database.
  • JWT_SECRET: the secret used to sign the issued JWTs. It's of utmost importance to keep this value secret.
  • DISABLE_IPFS_PERSISTENCE: whether or not to actually upload data to IPFS on persistence API calls. If this is true, the service will never upload any data to IPFS and only work on S3.
  • W3UP_PRINCIPAL_KEY (optional on condition): a key identifying a principal that was previously delegated by a w3up space owner to access the space itself. This can be left undefined if DISABLE_IPFS_PERSISTENCE is set to true
  • W3UP_DELEGATION_PROOF (optional on condition): a proof that proves the delegation of store and upload capabilities from a space owner to the previously given principal key (the proof also contains the space the delegation was given on). This can be left undefined if DISABLE_IPFS_PERSISTENCE is set to true
  • S3_ENDPOINT (optional): an endpoint to an S3 server.
  • S3_BUCKET: the S3 bucket in which to store data.
  • S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID: the access key used to authenticate to the S3 API.
  • S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: the secret used to authenticate to the S3 API.

In order to get the correct values for W3UP_PRINCIPAL_KEY and W3UP_DELEGATION_PROOF follow this procedure. For the other values, if you decide to spin up the local testing environment using the Docker Compose file as explained later, you can just copy over the .env.example values as they will mostly be right.

Once the .env file has been created, it's necessary to have all the correlated infrastructure up and running in order to properly test the server. In particular we need a Postgres database in which the server can store nonces to avoid signature replay attacks, and a S3-compatible server to which we can store data locally to test the APIs.

For convenience all the needed infrastructure can easily be spun up using the provided docker-compose.yaml file at the root of the package. Run the following command to bootstrap everything:

docker compose up

Once the .env file has been created you can go ahead and start the server using the following command launched from the package's root:

pnpm dev

This command will start the server and automatically restart it on code changes leveraging nodemon and tsx.

If you at any time need a test JWT to call the APIs locally, take a look at the script under ./scripts/generate-jwt.ts. You can call it using:

pnpm generate-jwt $SCOPE

Where $SCOPE is the scope/role you want the generated JWT to have (use ipfs to test the /data/ipfs API, and s3 for /data/s3/json).

If you instead want to test the /data/s3/templates API to upload templates to limbo storage, you need to use the ./scripts/upload-folder.ts script. This is because Swagger UI doesn't really support multi-file or directory uploads so the only way is to have the server running locally and launch the script. By default, it will upload whatever is in the /upload-test folder. The folder is ignored by git so you can test various different scenarios. To launch the script execute:

pnpm upload-folder

Uploading existing CIDs to S3

The script under /scripts/upload-existing-cids-on-s3.ts takes care of detecting all the CIDs used across the Carrot protocol and uploading them to the S3 limbo/persistent storage. It works with underlying data encoded in both raw JSON and MerkleDAG PB multicodec formats with the option of adding more supported codecs if needed, and it also works across chains. It requires a few env variables in order to be ran:

  • S3_BUCKET: the name of the S3 bucket to which to upload the data.
  • S3_REGION: the region in which the S3 bucket is available.
  • S3_ENDPOINT (optional): the endpoint of the S3 bucket to which to upload the data.
  • S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID: an AWS access key id with the correct permission policies attached to it to upload data to the target bucket.
  • S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: the secret key associated with the specified access key id.

You need to put these envs in a separate .env.upload-existing-cids-on-s3 file and you can also test the script against a local S3 deployment in the same way it's possible to do it with the development server (by bootstrapping MinIO through the provided Docker Compose file and putting the right values in the .env.upload-existing-cids-on-s3 file).

To launch the script just execute the following command in your terminal from the root of the repo:

pnpm upload-existing-cids-on-s3

Copying objects from one bucket to another

The script under /scripts/copy-bucket.ts takes care of copying all objects from a bucket A to a bucket B. It requires a few env variables in order to be ran:

  • FROM_BUCKET_NAME: the name of the S3 bucket from which to copy the objects.
  • FROM_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY_ID: an AWS access key id with the correct permission policies attached to it to copy data from the source bucket.
  • FROM_BUCKET_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: the secret key associated with the specified from bucket access key id.
  • TO_BUCKET_NAME: the name of the S3 bucket to which to copy the objects.
  • TO_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY_ID: an AWS access key id with the correct permission policies attached to it to copy data to the bucket.
  • TO_BUCKET_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: the secret key associated with the specified to bucket access key id.

You need to put these envs in a separate .env.copy-bucket file.

To launch the script just execute the following command in your terminal from the root of the repo:

pnpm copy-bucket


The OpenAPI specification is exposed under /swagger.json, while the Swagger UI is exposed under /documentation, so you can easily test the API that way.

Docker build

To build a Docker image of the service, run the following command from the root of the monorepo.

docker build .


A service to facilitate data uploads to through their w3up service.







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