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rbenv-bundler: Bundler Integration for rbenv

This plugin transparently makes rbenv's shims aware of bundle installation paths. It saves you from the hassle of having to type bundle exec when working with per-project gemsets and will enable rbenv which to report Bundler-installed gem executables if available.


  1. Get rbenv working. Read the documentation thoroughly and be sure to set up your Bash environment correctly.

  2. Install the plugin.

    $ git clone -- \

    Alternatively, through Homebrew:

    $ brew install rbenv-bundler
  3. Make sure that there is a 1.8.7+ system or rbenv Ruby with the Bundler gem installed, available for the plugin's use.

    $ ruby -r bundler -e "puts RUBY_VERSION"


  1. Important: The plugin is opt-in. If you wish to enable it, type rbenv bundler on. Type rbenv bundler off to disable.

  2. Just as you would run rbenv rehash upon installation of a new Ruby distribution or a gem with associated executable, you will also need to run it inside Bundler-controlled project directories with local, rbenv-installed Ruby versions set.

    $ # Suppose the project uses Ruby version `2.1.4`.
    $ rbenv local 2.1.4
    $ # Install the version-specific Bundler gem.
    $ gem install bundler
    $ # Suppose you already have a Gemfile.
    $ bundle install
    $ # The plugin will automagically rehash for you on `bundle install` or
    $ # `bundle update`, so this step isn't necessary.
    $ # rbenv rehash
    $ # If `rake` is a Bundler-installed gem executable, report its location
    $ # with `rbenv which`. The result should look like
    $ # `${RBENV_ROOT}/versions/2.1.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/rake-10.3.2
    $ # /bin/rake` instead of `${RBENV_ROOT}/versions/2.1.4/bin/rake`.
    $ rbenv which rake
    $ # Run `rake` without having to type `bundle exec rake`.
    $ rake

Version History

1.0.1 (Jul 1, 2021)

  • Fix an issue with platform gems not being found in the Gemfile.lock.

1.00 (Nov 8, 2017)

  • Fix the Bundler monkey patch for Bundler version 1.16 and later.

0.99 (Oct 27, 2014)

  • Compute MD5 hashes in a cross-platform way to support Mac OS X, Linux, and various BSDs.

0.98 (Aug 28, 2014)

  • Improve plugin root directory detection to take into account Homebrew's symlink usage.
  • Change the plugin's on/off behavior to be opt-in instead of opt-out. Additionally, it keeps track of on/off state per rbenv installation (not as if the vast majority of users would need this kind of isolation).
  • Fix issue #42, where Bundler would behave differently when a given gem's internal bin directory, as opposed to the rbenv Ruby's bin directory, is prepended onto the PATH environment variable. This caused shims for gems like unicorn to fail mysteriously.

0.97 (Feb 20, 2014)

  • Recognize Rubinius as a valid Ruby engine.
  • Spoof RubyGems platform information to handle the case when the Ruby parsing the Gemfile has a platform different from the project Ruby.

0.96 (May 29, 2013)

  • Automagically rehash after bundle install and bundle update. This is achieved by intercepting either command and using an internally provided script that rehashes afterwards.
  • Optimize rehash times by not running the rehash.rb script if discovered Gemfiles haven't changed. This is achieved by comparing the modification times of Gemfile manifests against their Gemfiles. Slow shell initialization should now be a thing of the past.

0.95 (Jan 10, 2013)

  • Fix rbenv version detection to look for .ruby-version files in addition to .rbenv-version files.
  • Set up the PATH environment variable correctly when building rbenv Ruby profiles.
  • Make rbenv Ruby profile discovery more robust.

0.94 (Jul 21, 2012)

  • Relicense the project to the Apache License, Version 2.0.
  • Change the rehash.rb script so that it detects the BUNDLE_GEMFILE environment variable and looks for a Bundler-controlled project there.
  • Fix issue #21, where the RbenvBundler#ensure_capable_ruby method would claim JRuby 1.9.x as capable when it's not (lack of Kernel#fork).
  • Fix issue #22. This addresses the corner cases when either the manifest.txt file doesn't exist or the ruby_profiles.yml file is first created.

0.93 (May 4, 2012)

  • Fix issue #19, where a crash would result from rbenv Ruby profiles not being updated to reflect the removal of a Ruby. The rehash.rb script now checks the recency of the ~/.rbenv/versions directory instead of rbenv Ruby directories to determine if Rubies have been added or removed.
  • Fix issue #17, where the rehash.rb script would attempt to parse empty child process output when building rbenv Ruby profiles. Such situations are now detected and skipped.
  • Mask the return value of the rehash.rb script. Change the rehash hook so that it doesn't cause the shell to exit prematurely from -e being in effect.

0.92 (Apr 14, 2012)

  • Ensure that a capable Ruby runs the rehash.rb script. Change the rehash.rb script so that if it detects an inappropriate Ruby version, it will attempt to locate and Kernel#exec an appropriate one.
  • Build rbenv Ruby profiles to induce correct Bundler search behavior. With knowledge of each Ruby(Gems) implementation's version information and directory structure, the rehash.rb script can configure Bundler to exhibit the correct search behavior in all cases.
  • Fix issue #14, where Git-based dependencies would not resolve correctly with the rehash.rb script. When using a Git repository as a dependency, Bundler loads its .gemspec file, which in turn may modify the Ruby state arbitrarily in ways that aren't readily reversible. To sidestep such behavior, the plugin now forks a child process for making sensitive Bundler calls.
  • Fix issue #12, where setups without --path specified would sometimes pick gem executables with incorrect versions. As a result of reconciling different use cases, the plugin has been rearchitected to use a helper script, rehash.rb, to explore Bundler-controlled directories and create a gemspec manifest for each project. That way, a gem executable satisfying Gemfile version constraints can be picked every time.

0.91 (Jan 18, 2012)

  • The plugin now scans ~/.bundle/config in addition to, and as a fallback for, the project-local Bundler configuration file. Credit [@mbrictson] (
  • Fix issue #6, where nonexistent directories would cause the rehash mechanism to return prematurely. Credit @mbrictson.

0.90 (Sep 28, 2011)

  • Update plugin scripts to use the RBENV_DIR environment variable.
  • Start release tagging.


Copyright 2012-2014 Roy Liu

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.


an rbenv plugin that makes shims aware of bundle installation paths







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