link to most recent executable:
Any object in godot (read node) that we want to represent to the interpreter
- NodePath node
- the path to the godot node the entity represents. For use with get_node(NodePath)
- get_node_path(), set_node_path(NodePath node)
- Room_Tile tile
- the tile that the entity resides in
- get_tile(), set_tile(Room_Tile tile)
- void init(NodePath node, Room_Tile tile)
- initializes the entity, other functions (including get/set) will not work until init is called
- bool is_initialized()
- check if entity is initialized
- bool move_tile(int x, int y)
- move the entity to another tile in the same room. returns success
- bool move_tile_relative(int x, int y)
- move the entity to another tile relative to current tile. returns success
- bool move_tile_room(Room_Map room, int x, int y)(int x, int y)
- move the entity to a tile in a new room. returns success
- Room_Map room
- the room that the tile resides in
- get_room()
- int x, y
- the coordinates for the tile in the containing room
- get_x(), get_y()
- Entity ent
- the entity in the tile, may be empty (null)
- get_entity(), set_entity(Entity ent)
- void init(NodePath node, Room_Tile tile)
- initializes the tile, other functions (including get/set) will not work until init is called
- bool is_initialized()
- check if tile is initialized
- Floor_Map floor
- the floor that the room resides in
- get_floor()
- Room_Tile** tiles
- a 2d array of tiles that the room contains
- get_tile(int x, int y)
- int x, y
- the coordinates for the room int the containing floor
- get_x(), get_y()
- int size_x, size_y
- the dimensions for the grid of tiles that the room contains
- get_size_x(), get_size_y()
- bool doors[4]
- stores whether or not there is a door in each direction. Uses constants up, down, left, right
- get_door(int dir), set_doors(bool up, bool down, bool left, bool right)
- void init(Floor_Map floor, int x, int y, int size_x, int size_y)
- initializes the room, other functions (including get/set) will not work until init is called
- bool is_initialized()
- check if room is initialized
- Room_Map** rooms
- a 2d array of rooms that the floor contains
- get_room(int x, int y)
- int size_x, size_y
- the dimensions for the grid of rooms that the floor contains
- get_size_x(), get_size_y()
- void init(int size_x, int size_y)
- initializes the floor, other functions (including get/set) will not work until init is called
- bool is_initialized()
- check if floor is initialized
- bool init(String code)
- initializes the interpreter with the user's code, other functions will not work until init is called. returns success
- bool is_initialized()
- check if interpreter is initialized
- bool run()
- Calls a function in the user's code named 'run()' returns success
- bool finalize()
- Stops the interpreter. Needed to prevent errors/memory leaks. returns success
- bool is_button_pressed(int button)
- Checks if the user pressed the specified button with their python code. button uses the constants up, down, left, right, use_arrow
import cw
def run():
#user code here. Each time the player-bot steps, this is called
- cw.press_up()
- cw.press_down()
- cw.press_left()
- cw.press_right()
- cw.press_use_arrow()
- User can call these to press a virtual button input for the bot
- cw.get_pos_x()
- cw.get_pos_y()
- gets the position of the bot in the current room
- cw.get_room_x()
- cw.get_room_y()
- gets the x and y coordinates of the current room in the floor
- bool cw.get_enemy_at(x, y)
- determines if there is an enemy on the tile of the (x, y) coordinates of the room
- bool cw.get_door(dir)
- determines if there is a door in the current room in the specified direction. Takes "u", "d", "l", or "r" as dir
- bool cw.get_door_room(str dir, x, y)
- determines if there is a door in the specified (x, y) room in the specified direction. Takes "u", "d", "l", or "r" as dir