An app made for Code Your Future as part of a final coding project.
Daniel Carter (full-stack developer)
Ekip Kalir (full-stack developer)
Gabriel Gajewski (full-stack developer)
Live link:
Business Problem: With a large group of students, it is difficult to track how everyone is doing with the material; we move quite quickly through the course at CYF, and a student can sometimes fall behind without the mentors realising. we have had quizzes at the end of some of the modules, but these take a lot of effort to prepare and mark, and the earlier we understand a student's position the more support we can provide.
We have been experimenting with Kahoot! for this in London, running quizzes at the end of classes to figure out how people are getting along with the material. However, Kahoot! is not free, it prioritises being fast (which can put unhelpful pressure on students), and it would be nice to have a system that we could integrate more closely with the other tools were using.