A very simply SSH wrapper aimed at making it easier to connect to AWS EC2 instances, written in BASH. You can SSH to EC2 instances by using either the instance ID or the 'Name' tag using either the public or private IP and optionally a bastion host. When using the public IP the script will authorize ingress security groups for the connecting IP and revoke the rule when complete.
- Copy
to your preferred bin folder (or add it to your$PATH
) - (Optional) Update
with preferred defaults to reduce require options at runtime
- AWS CLI installed
- jq
Usage: /usr/local/bin/awssh [-r region_name] [-u ssh_user] [-k private key name] [-p private IP] [-b ] [-B] [-c command] <instance name|id|list>
-r region
-u SSH username
-k path to private key
-b bastion host specified
-B bastion host configured with env variable or via awssh.conf
-P AWS CLI profile to use - defaults to default
-c command to execute\
list will provide a tabulated list of name|instance ID|region for the given parameters
Default values can be sourced from ~/awssh.conf
is mandatory (required to get relevant IP address). If ssh_user is not defined the default value ec2-user
is used.
awssh i-1234567890abcdef0
SSH to the specified instance - looks up the public IP address using the AWS CLI. Reads region information from ~/awssh.conf - you can define a path to a private explicitly as well otherwise the default ssh authentication agent will be used (e.g., via ssh-add)
awssh i-1234567890abcdef0 -r us-west-2 -u ubuntu
Options passed at runtime will override variables defined in ~/awssh.conf
awssh i-1234567890abcdef0 -p -B
Connect to the instance using the private IP address and the bastion host defined by ${bastion}
awssh i-1234567890abcdef0 -p -b <IP of bastion host>
Connect to the instance using the private IP address and the bastion host passed as option argument.
I spin-up a lot of short-lived, non-production environments in various configurations and this is just a quick and easy way to connect to them when necessary.