This plugin is built as unified method for obtaining payment tokens to forward it to payment processor (eg Adyen, Stripe, Wayforpay, Liqpay etc).
Plugin supports iOS 11-14. Tested properly with cordova 10, iOS 14.3 and android 11.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-apple-pay-google-pay
For Android, register and fill all required forms at Add following to config.xml:
<config-file parent="/manifest/application" target="AndroidManifest.xml">
android:value="true" />
For iOS, you have to have valid developer account with merchant set up and ApplePay capability and a merchant id configured in your Xcode project. Merchant id can be obtained from Do configuration manually or using config.xml:
<platform name="ios">
<config-file target="*-Debug.plist" parent="">
<string>developer merchant ID here</string>
<config-file target="*-Release.plist" parent="">
<string>production merchant ID here</string>
checks whether device is capable to make payments via Apple Pay or Google Pay.
// use as plain Promise
async function checkForApplePayOrGooglePay(){
let isAvailable = await cordova.plugins.ApplePayGooglePay.canMakePayments()
// OR
let available;
cordova.plugins.ApplePayGooglePay.canMakePayments((r) => {
available = r
initiates pay session.
let request = {
merchantId: '', // obtain it from
purpose: `Payment for your order #1`,
amount: 100,
countryCode: "US",
currencyCode: "USD"
cordova.plugins.ApplePayGooglePay.makePaymentRequest(request, r => {
// in success callback, raw response as encoded JSON is returned. Pass it to your payment processor as is.
let responseString = r
r => {
// in error callback, error message is returned.
// it will be "Payment cancelled" if used pressed Cancel button.
All parameters in request object are required.
You will have to provide few extra parameters:
request.gateway = 'stripe'; // or any another processor you are using:
request.merchantId = 'XXXXXXX'; // merchant id provided by your processor
request.gpMerchantName = 'Your Company Name'; // will be displayed in transaction info
request.gpMerchantId = 'XXXXXXXXXXXX'; // obtain it at
Also, on Android checking payment availability calling canMakePayments()
always returns false even if user has a valid card attached to GooglePay.