TermViz is a visualizer for the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework, that runs completely on the terminal. This allows the visualizer to run directly on the robot (e.g., via ssh) without any configuration on an external computer. Additionally, it is lightweight and really fast to start and to quit. It can also be useful in case the robot has a firewall or in situations in which no graphics server can be run.
- geometry_msgs::PoseArray
- geometry_msgs::PoseStamped
- nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid
- nav_msgs::Path
- sensor_msgs::Image
- sensor_msgs::LaserScan
- sensor_msgs::PointCloud2
- visualization_msgs::Marker
- visualization_msgs::MarkerArray
Get the source code:
git clone git@github.com:carzum/termviz.git
Build the project via cargo:
cargo build --release
After the build succeeded, the executable will be located in target/release/
and can be used directly. No external libraries are needed, so it can be copied directly on a robot or another computer.
To launch the visualizer, just run the termviz
The program looks for a configuration file named termviz.yml
in ~/.config/termviz/
first, then in /etc/termviz/
. If the file is not found, it prompts the user to create a default one. Alternatively, it is possible to pass a configuration file directly to the executable: termviz <myconfig>.yml
The program requires a running ROS master and an available TF between the robot frame (base_link
by default) and a static frame (map
by default). If the ROS parameter /footprint
, it will be used to show the footprint of the robot.
Pressing h
shows the help screen, which will describe the current mode and the keymap relative to the current mode. The mode can be switched using the number keys and the help screen will update accordingly.
The mode allows to publish a pose message on a topic, for example to send an initial pose estimate to a localization system or a goal pose for the navigation stack. The supported types are geometry_msgs::Pose
, geometry_msgs::PoseStamped
, and geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped
. The desired pose can be selected by moving the outline of the robot in the map. Confirming the operation (Enter
by default) publishes the pose on the selected topic among those specified under send_pose_topics
in the configuration file. The target topic can be selected using the "next" and "previous" keys (n
and b
by default).
The mode allows to teleoperate the robot by sending geometry_msgs::Twist
messages on the specified topic (cmd_vel
by default). The messages are continuously sent. Any unmapped key switches the sent messages to 0, i.e., stops the robot.
Settings can be found under teleop
in the configuration file.
If the parameter 'publish_cmd_vel_when_idle' is set to true (default), the mode will keep publishing STOP (all velocities 0). Otherwise the command is only sent once! This should allow users to teleoperate robots without blocking them actively
This mode allows to visualize images received on the topics specified under image_topics
in the configuration file.
The topic manager can add and remove topics int the termviz config. When confirmed the config will be stored and termviz must be restarted. Only supported topics are displayed, topics can only be in the active or in the available list.
Here is the commented default config file:
fixed_frame: map # Fixed frame.
robot_frame: base_link # Robot frame.
map_topics: # nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid topics.
- topic: map # Topic name.
color: # Color of the occupied cells.
r: 255
g: 255
b: 255
threshold: 1 # Threshold value to consider a cell occupied (cells containing a lower value are not visualized).
laser_topics: # sensor_msgs::LaserScan topics.
- topic: scan # Topic name.
color: # Color of the laser data.
r: 200
g: 0
b: 0
marker_topics: # visualization_msgs::Marker topics.
- topic: marker # Topic name.
image_topics: # sensor_msgs::Image topics.
- topic: image_rect # Topic name.
rotation: 0 # Default rotation in degrees. Supported angles: 0, 90, 180, 270.
marker_array_topics: # visualization_msgs::MarkerArray topics.
- topic: marker_array # Topic name.
path_topics: # nav_msgs::Path topics.
- topic: path # Topic name.
style: line # Visualization style. Supported: arrow, axis, line.
color: # Color of the arrow or line.
r: 0
g: 255
b: 0
length: 0.2 # Length of the arrow or axes.
pointcloud2_topics: # sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 topics.
- topic: pointcloud2 # Topic name.
use_rgb: false # If true, the points are colorized according to their RGB values. If false, they are colorized according to their height, i.e., their z coordinate in the static frame.
pose_array_topics: # geometry_msgs::PoseArray.
- topic: pose_array # Topic name.
style: arrow # Visualization style. Supported: arrow, axis.
color: # Color of the arrow.
r: 255
g: 0
b: 0
length: 0.2 # Length of the axes.
pose_stamped_topics: # geometry_msgs::PoseStamped topics.
- topic: pose_stamped # The topic name.
style: axis # Visualization style. Supported: arrow, axis.
color: # Color of the arrow.
r: 255
g: 0
b: 0
length: 0.2 # Length of the axes.
send_pose_topics: # Topics on which to publish poses in Send Pose mode.
- topic: pose # The topic name.
msg_type: PoseStamped # The topic's type. Supported are Pose, PoseStamped and PoseWithCovarianceStamped.
target_framerate: 30 # Refresh rate of the visualization. Lower this if the ssh connection is slow.
axis_length: 0.5 # Length of the axes of the robot frame
visible_area: # Default boundaries of the visible areas. Determines the initial level of zoom.
- -5.0
- 5.0
- -5.0
- 5.0
zoom_factor: 0.1 # Step for increasing/decreasing the zoom.
key_mapping: # Keymap
Cancel: Esc
Zoom in: "="
Increment step: k
Decrement step: j
Clockwise rotation: e
Right: d
Down: s
Up: w
Left: a
Switch to mode 2: t
Confirm: Enter
Switch to mode 3: i
Show help: h
Zoom out: "-"
Counter-clockwise rotation: q
teleop: # Parameters for the Teleoperate mode.
default_increment: 0.1 # Default velocity increment when pressing a key.
increment_step: 0.1 # Step for increasing the velocity increment.
cmd_vel_topic: cmd_vel # Topic on which to publish the velocity commands.
publish_cmd_vel_when_idle: true # If true keep publishing 0 velocities, only publish once otherwise
- Carsten Zumsande (termviz@zumsande.eu)
- Emanuele Palazzolo (emanuele.palazzolo@gmail.com)
- Michael März (michael0maerz@gmail.com)