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Composer Cookbook

This will install and configure Composer.phar. It does not install prerequisites like PHP.


  • Debian
  • Rhel


  • node['composer']['install']['version'] (string) defaults to latest, when set to 1.2.3 it will check for that version of composer.phar on the GitHub mirror.
  • node['composer']['install']['checksum'] (string) no default, its optional when using a specified version for composer, give it a SHA1 checksum if you want to compare it against the binary.
  • node['composer']['install']['path'] (string) defaults to /usr/local/bin/composer.phar, where to install the binary.
  • node['composer']['home'] (string) defaults to /opt/composer, where to install composer config files like auth.json.
  • node['composer']['prestissimo'] (boolean) defaults to true, see hirak/prestissimo for more info


Here's an example web role that has some Composer settings.

name 'web'
description 'Everything we need for a webhead!'

    'composer' => {
        'install' => {
            'version' => 'latest'
        'auth' => {
            'http-basic' => {
                '' => {
                    'user' => 'USER_KEY',
                    'pass' => 'PASS_KEY'
            'github-oauth' => {
                '' => 'OAUTH_TOKEN'

    '..., recipe[cop_composer], ...'

NOTE: You will be required to include a depends for this cookbook inside YOUR cookbook's metadata.rb file.

depends 'cop_composer', git: ''