Manages rotation of logs via the 'logrotate' utility.
node['cas_logrotate']['entries']['<entry-name>'] = (
logs: <string> # Path to log files
su: <string> # User and group to `su` into before rotation
frequency: <string> # Frequency of rotation (daily/weekly/monthly/etc)
notifempty: <boolean> # Skip rotation if file is empty
size: <string> # Skip rotation if file smaller than attribute
rotate: <string> # Number of rotated logs to keep
maxage: <string> # Remove logs older than n number of days
create: <string> # Create new file with defined attributes
compress: <boolean> # Compress rotated files
delaycompress: <boolean> # Compress file only after second rotation
dateext: <boolean> # Use date in name of rotated file
missingok: <boolean> # Suppress error if file is missing
copytruncate: <boolean> # Copy and truncate file in place instead of moving and recreating
prerotate: <string> # Script to run before rotation
postrotate: <string> # Script to run after rotation
sharedscripts: <string> # Run pre/postrotate scripts only once for all logs
The following role will create /etc/logrotate.d/example
, matching the entry created in the Kitchen test suite.
name 'logrotate'
description 'Configure logrotate'
logrotate: {
entries: {
example: {
logs: '/var/log/example/*.log',
su: 'root root',
frequency: 'daily',
notifempty: true,
size: '1m',
rotate: '10',
maxage: '14',
create: '0644 root root',
compress: true,
delaycompress: true,
dateext: true,
missingok: true,
copytruncate: true,
prerotate: 'echo "prerotate command"',
postrotate: 'echo "postrotate command"',
sharedscripts: true